© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Based on the revelations contained in The Urantia Book, it is possible to formulate certain hypotheses about the destiny of evolutionary beings similar to us populating the myriad of planets of the seven superuniverses. Taking into account the finality of perfection reached during each of the ages of the universe, it becomes possible, by following a certain logic and a bit of clairvoyance, to identify what we will become during these ages so far away!
In order to properly situate each of the levels of reality and their possibilities of progression, let us begin with the highest and most real, because it is from all eternity. At this level of existence, there are only three personalities, namely the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. They are the only persons possessing as attributes absoluteness, existentiality, eternity and infinity. These are the three personal expressions of the I AM constituting, by the union of their divinity in the Paradise Trinity, the absolute totality of the Deity. All possible realities are existent in spirit at this level. These three absolute deities know the perfection of virtues both pre-existent and post-experiential.
The I AM, in the final analysis, must exist before all existentials and after all experientials. (UB 106:9.10)
For us, subabsolute beings, reality is experienced and found partly actual in the past and present and partly potential in the future. These three Sources-Centers are the existential absolute of love, mercy and ministry in the expression of their person, they are likewise impersonally for justice, sovereignty and power, while they are beauty, goodness and truth in their essence. Since they are the cause, creator and sustainer of all realities, they are far above all their creations, and no creature can attain this absolute level of perfection. In their deity nature, the Father is the self in itself (UB 118:0.2), the Son is the coexistent self (UB 118:0.3) and the Spirit is the coexistent self (UB 118:0.4). In its creative expression, Deity is Sevenfold in its distribution of divinity (UB 118:0.6).
Having noted the absolute level, the highest level, let us see its most distant opposite among the subabsolute levels, that is to say the level of the finite. This is the domain of reality of the Supreme. What characterizes the Supreme is its Omnipotence (UB 42:2.14). The Supreme is the experiential-evolutionary self (UB 118:0.5). It will be the synthesis (UB 0:9.3) of the power-personality of the finite level of existence constrained by time and space. This synthesis concerns as much the actualization of the person of the Supreme Being by the Supreme Mind (UB 117:7.14) as the total mastery of spiritual, mental and material energies UB 0:6.2. This level should be familiar to us, because we have our existence thanks to and within this temporal plane of reality.
The end of the second universe age will signify the actualization of the Supreme Being, the anchoring of the seven superuniverses in the era of light and life, the opportunity for all beings to contact this new experiential deity, and the formation of the first experiential trinity, the Trinity Ultimate. For all evolutionary beings who have survived the vagaries of material life and have fused with their Thought Adjuster, they will at this time be in the sixth spirit stage. Having achieved perfection of intent on the receptive world of the seventh circuit of Havona (UB 26:4.12), they will have attained perfection of loyalty in the evolutionary Corps of Finaliters (UB 117:7.7). We will surely have accomplished our three dimensions of self expression out of a total of seven included in our personality bestowal (UB 112:1.9).
Now, rather, are the sons of God enlisted together in fighting the battle of reality’s triumph over the partial shadows of existence. At last all creatures become conscious of the fact that God and all the divine hosts of a well-nigh limitless universe are on their side in the supernal struggle to attain eternity of life and divinity of status. Such faith-liberated sons have certainly enlisted in the struggles of time on the side of the supreme forces and divine personalities of eternity; even the stars in their courses are now doing battle for them; at last they gaze upon the universe from within, from God’s viewpoint, and all is transformed from the uncertainties of material isolation to the sureties of eternal spiritual progression. Even time itself becomes but the shadow of eternity cast by Paradise realities upon the moving panoply of space. (UB 101:10.9)
Perhaps we can enjoy a period of satisfaction in having attained this perfection before we face the next challenge of the absonite. Imagine, then, that we are sixth-stage spirits who have attained a certain level of perfection, that we are fused with a fragment of divinity of the Universal Father and all the endowments that this entails, that our mind has long been associated with the cosmic mind, and that, in addition, we can contact the supreme mind of the Supreme Being. We will thus have access to the totality of the experience of time and space as lived in the seven superuniverses. This will make us perfect ambassadors of the God of time and space to the absonite beings of the next levels of space.
As a material evolutionary being, the combination of our creative personality and the power of our mind allows us to accomplish great things already. Think of all the technological inventions, artistic masterpieces, and more. It is even said that our body is a manifestation of our mind (UB 42:12.9). Fortunately, in recognition of our great lack of wisdom, Deity has provided a limit to our mental power, which puts a brake on what foolish things we could do!
Mind is always creative. The mind endowment of an individual animal, mortal, morontian, spirit ascender, or finality attainer is always competent to produce a suitable and serviceable body for the living creature identity. (UB 42:12.9)
Between the level of the finite constrained by time and space, and the absolute level, without time, without space, without beginning or end, is the absonite level, the domain of God the Ultimate. What characterizes the Ultimate is its omnipotence (UB 118:2.4). The Ultimate is the experiential-transcendental self (UB 118:0.7). It will be the synthesis of the power-personality of the absonite level of existence transcending time and space. This synthesis concerns as much the actualization of the person of God the Ultimate as the total mastery once again of the spiritual, mental and material energies of this level of existence (UB 0:6.2).
The actualization of God the Ultimate being more complex to achieve, doubtless because it is closer to the infinite possibilities of the absolute level, it will be done in four stages spread over four universe ages. That is, ages three to six inclusive. This new deity will therefore be actualized in four distinct stages. The absonite level concerning the transcendence of time and space, but always taking into account these two parameters, the creativity of the age of the Ultimate will be characterized by the act of exteriorization. This should mean that the beings inhabiting these worlds will possess from the beginning the post-experiential perfection of the finite, but without the profound understanding of the imperfect become perfect by evolutionary experience, a characteristic of the bygone age of the Supreme. Compared to the Havonians, who are beings of existential perfection and have existed from all eternity, the absonite beings will be experientially perfect from the start, but will have to experience this perfection of the imperfect in the transcendence of time and space. As mentioned above, our task will be to assist them in this learning while going through the same experience of transcendence with them. During his time on Urantia, Jesus made us know the Universal Father, likewise, we will have the task of making the Supreme Father of the finite level known to the absonite beings.
Finally, at the end of the four absonite ages, we will have reached the seventh stage of mind (UB 44:8.5). This will mark the full actualization of God the Ultimate, the formation of the Trinity Absolute, the taking possession of the ultimate mind which transcends time (UB 9:4.4), the acquisition of the clairvoyance of absonity (UB 117:3.3), and perhaps a certain degree of omnipotence characteristic of this experiential deity. It is undoubtedly less dangerous to grant such power to beings of such high perfection. I am speaking here of evolutionary beings of the level of the supreme and the ultimate. We will surely have accomplished our three other dimensions of expression of the self associated with this level of existence included in the gift of our personality (UB 112:1.9).
What does the Father have in store for us in this absonite adventure? Will we be world administrators like the Planetary Princes of the second age of the universe? Will we have the possibility of creating according to certain limits more expansive than those of the time of our experience of the finite?
This last level of reality will be the synthesis of all that has been experientially accomplished throughout the six previous ages of the universe, that is, the synthesis of the Supreme-Ultimate. The Absolute is the experiential-existential self (UB 118:0.8). It will be the synthesis (UB 0:9.3) of the power-personality of the absolute qualitative level of existence where time and space will be relative. This synthesis concerns as much the actualization of the person of God the Absolute, undoubtedly by the act of trinitization of the Paradise Trinity, as the total mastery still and always of the spiritual, mental and material energies of this level of endless existence (UB 0:6.2).
What does the Father have in store for us on this level of existence of an infinite cosmos? Only a clever person can say! At this stage of existence, will we be like “little gods” capable of creating things and beings endowed with the experiential perfection associated with existential perfection? Who says an infinite cosmos means an eternal cosmos!
Knowing the Father as the God of time and space, and then the Father as God transcending time and space, at this level we will discover the Father-Infinite, the First Source of all realities, the Causeless Cause of the Infinity of will.
The theoretical I AM is a creature-philosophic extension of the “infinity of will,” but the Infinite is an actual value-level representing the eternity-intension of the true infinity of the absolute and unfettered free will of the Universal Father. This concept is sometimes designated the Father-Infinite.
Much of the confusion of all orders of beings, high and low, in their efforts to discover the Father-Infinite, is inherent in their limitations of comprehension. The absolute primacy of the Universal Father is not apparent on subinfinite levels; UB 0:3.24-25
Thus, for all those who have courageously and lovingly traveled through these ages of the universe, unsuspected wonders await us in the endless discovery of what our Father has planned for us!