© 2019 David Glass
© 2019 The Urantia Book Fellowship
The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman | Spring 2019 Issue — Index | Our Pilgrimage to The Holy Land of Jesus |
THIS DAY has been designated as one of special international significance here on Urantia in that it has been dubbed, in the secular or geopolitical arena, “United Nations Day”–a day intended to celebrate and once again to exalt the ideal of international cooperation, thereby lessening of the likelihood and severity of war and global conflicts. As viewed by some, the founding of the United Nations in 1945, represents an important step in the direction towards secular globalization and spiritual good will and peace worldwide.
Global unity, as conceived from the revelators’ vantage point, would be characterized by one human race, one language, and one religion, etc. In The Urantia Book, we learn that such a happy condition would be coordinated with and by at least one (there is no way for us humans to predict how many) Trinity Teacher Son missions, and (who of us can say with certainty?) probably, but not certainly, preceded by mission from a Magisterial Son, by the possible return of our former or another Adam and Eve, by the return (in some form or non-form–insofar as we humans are concerned) of Machiventa Melchizedek, not forgetting to mention the ever-present possibility (however remote) of the return of Michael to his bestowal world-we cannot rule that out.
At any rate, the United Nations came into existence following, and partly in response to, the war-horrors of WWII and as a kind of re-embodiment or second-try of Woodrow Wilson’s earlier idealized concept which also came into realization (after the conclusion of WWI) as the “League of Nations” and which, to the surprise of many continued to exist and function in some form and with some effectiveness from 1919-1946.
These worthwhile steps towards international peace win some conditional praise from the midwayers as “steps in the right direction.” (UB 134:5.10) And, as they (the midwayers) continue to paraphrase Jesus’ teachings at Urmia, they write: “World-wide confederations of nations will effectively prevent minor wars and acceptably control the smaller nations. But they will not prevent world wars… In the face of real conflicts, one of these world powers will withdraw from the League and declare war.” (My emphasis in bold.)
These overseers of and contributors to our world’s development bring us more insights from Christ Michael on this subject of human unity throughout all of the sections of the socalled “Urmia Lectures” (UB 134:3.1), concluding: “The political sovereignty of representative mankind government will bring lasting peace on earth, and the spiritual brotherhood of man will forever insure good will among men. And there is no other way whereby peace on earth and good will among men can be realized.”
Therefore, while we can and should be grateful and pleased that we live in the historical era during which these initial measures towards the realization of the Master’s ideal of the brotherhood of man underneath the Fatherhood of God have been realized–even as we continue to celebrate the advent of the fifth epochal revelation which has come in part to assist us in the development of our increasingly mature wisdom regarding the realization of the creative and cosmic intention of our Father that our “human wisdom must evolve.”
In the same light, we shall continue to pray and to serve - to act - with the assistance of periodic epochal revelation, the sustenance of ongoing auto-revelation from within the inner resources of mankind’s individuals, and amid the constant ministerial advantages we derive from the superior services and resources of all the members of our celestial family (from the highest to the humblest), indeed human wisdom will evolve!- even to such an extent that further and more effective steps and stages can be actualized on our world that will better lead us toward and into that besought and better “promised land” of peace, plenty, and the pre-eminence of the individual person that has been so winsomely described in The Urantia Book, “the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia.” (–a Melchizedek of Nebadon, UB 92:4.9)
Peace–not passivity
David Glass
The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman | Spring 2019 Issue — Index | Our Pilgrimage to The Holy Land of Jesus |