© 2023 Dominique Ronfet
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
- You always talk to me about your faith in God. But how can I put my trust in someone I don't know?
- Your question is very wise. I will allow myself to translate it like this: Indeed, why expect more from life if we are not lacking? And here lacking something vital! We must feel lacking, we must have identified within ourselves this gaping hole of uncertainty. This space where doubt is king.
- But you talk to me about faith, how can doubt give me hope?
- There is a tale about this: “A wise man who lived in the greatest poverty sent prayers of thanks to God every day. A surprised passer-by ended up asking him why he was acting like this, given his situation? The wise man then replied: ”it is poverty that I need, so every day I thank God for granting my wishes."
- I don't understand anything about your example.
- Whatever path you choose in your life, it is better to take it knowing your needs and desires. If you want to become rich but you have to be poor to develop your being, your real Personality, you are not working towards your happiness.
- Your real Personality? What is this thing again?
- Imagine that you are a bottle. What would you like it to be filled with? - What are you talking about?... Let's say a good old Bordeaux.
- Ahahah, very good, drunkenness is a good start. But will you abuse it to the point of making yourself sick or will you savor this delicate drink with precision so that its scent and taste awaken your senses to another way of being yourself?
- You see, we must first accept the idea that our Personality, our real being, the one who does not lie, the one who desperately seeks the meaning of life, an affectionate path where happiness is real without being understandable, we must accept that this Personality-form is your Bottle. Even if you do not yet clearly recognize it, you will have to fill it.
- You mean I don't really know my needs?
- Absolutely, like everyone else, we also forget that we do not belong to ourselves. Our will should be expressed thus: “may it be that of Him whom I do not know, but whom I sense as the companion of my doubts, the light in my darkness.”
- Are you making some kind of bet?
- More precisely, I testify that we don't really have a choice: either we agree to open up to ourselves, or to flee into self-forgetfulness. ??
- Come on, let's talk about something else. What if we went for a drink? Maybe that will clear our minds.
- Ahhh, here is a language that I understand!