© 2010 Dominique Ronfet
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
— What is humility?
— Maybe a technique…
— What do you mean by that? Our Master “recommended men to humble themselves only to enable them to be truly great; the goal he really aimed for was true humility towards God.” (UB 140:8.20).
— Yes, now we must understand it. Why “to be great” must we “humble ourselves” if not to allow our real Personality to take precedence over the idea that we have of ourselves, and that we project with so much pride: our individuality.
— How you go. Am I not of an absolute nature?
— You!?..Dear friend, let’s stay reasonable. And what are we talking about?
— But, about me, about my personality!
— I’m afraid you’re talking to us about the vehicle, not the energy that can mobilize it.
Personality is one of the unfathomable mysteries of the universes. We can form adequate concepts of the factors which go into the composition of various orders and levels of personalities, but we do not fully comprehend the real nature of personality itself. We perceive clearly the many factors which, when united, constitute the vehicle of human personality, but we do not fully grasp the nature and significance of this finite personality. 70.3
— Always the big phrases. I know that I exist. You can’t take that away from me.
— Without doubt, without doubt…but let’s not forget: to be reborn, a death is necessary. I think that humility is a little death with which we should learn to live.
— You never miss one!
Dominique Ronfet