At the 2019 Canberra Urantia Conference, I facilitated a workshop titled Spirit in Society – Overcoming Resistance, where the intention was to look at some common atheistic objections (in the form of questions), and see what we could come up with in terms of what The Urantia Book teaches on these problems and what we could potentially say when facing such objections.
The attendees were divided into three groups, and each group attempted to answer one of the common objections, given 30 minutes to do so. Afterwards, the group leaders were given an opportunity to report back to everybody. I’ll now attempt to summarize the group answers produced during the workshop:
Why does God choose to remain unannounced to many?
The Atheist Says: Why has God never said ‘hello’ to me?
God delegates everything he can to subordinates. The assumption is that a God does, or should do, everything. God delegates choice to us, and one of those is to believe or not believe.
When a prayer does not appear to have been answered, bitterness might ensue. Are our expectations of God reasonable though?
We are the custodians of the planet so it’s up to us to improve conditions.
Faith (believing without seeing and hearing) is of great value.
Cause and effect are in operation in the physical universe. Prayer does not usually alter the processes of cause and effect in the physical.
The Urantia Book teaches us to pray for values rather than material things. Spiritual goals can be achieved regardless of material circumstances.
One’s upbringing and genetics influence the capacity to communicate with God and may influence the interest in the spiritual.
Has a person truly reached out to God? Is a person afraid of a life-transformative relationship with the Creator?