© 2023 Éric Tarissan
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Eric Tarissan
Following Gaétan Charland’s conference which took place on Sunday, March 19, 2023, I share with you my thoughts on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In the Canadian Charter of Rights, the only thing that “intrigued” me was that there was no mention of our “obligations and duties”.
We simply talk about our freedoms and the consequences of violating their limits, but in return, we do not mention the obligations and duties of the citizen which come with obtaining such freedom, because it is certain that to benefit from such a well-framed and defined freedom, responsibilities (clearly described) must necessarily be taken on by citizens in return.
Obligations and duties such as going to school (this should also be greatly enhanced, by adding courses in “communication between individuals”, social psychology, studying a little human psychology, defense mechanisms, etc., in order to learn a little more about all these behaviors and attitudes which, too often still, are activated unconsciously and form the mold and the not always peaceful, joyful and benevolent atmosphere of our society which is still far from balance, harmony and equity framed in a true and authentic democracy.
Also, basics, means and practical tools for future parents should be taught.
Then, the obligation to work, of course, in order to maintain the balance and harmony of such a society.
In short, following Gaétan’s presentation on Luciferian Thought, the Canadian Charter gave me the impression of being incomplete, half-done and, it is signed: Pierre Elliot Trudeau who, with all my respect, was not a Divine Counselor or an Instructor Son!
Editor’s note: A few days later, Éric wrote again about Gaétan’s presentation!
Hello Gaétan,
I was thinking about your presentation and I wrote two or three lines of reflection…, which I share here.
We know that Lucifer did not believe in God, but spoke of the Infinite Spirit?
He said that resurrection on the morontia worlds was automatic…!
However, as Lanonandek, he was surely not without knowledge or understanding of the process by which a resurrection takes place and, therefore, that it is far from automatic.
He must have known about the worlds of houses and their management.
I say this because the other day I kind of realized that all the personality levels created in a local universe (Melchizedek, Lanonandek, Vorondadek, Life Carrier, archangels and angels) are all morontia personalities intended (in large part) to help us material creatures progress to Paradise.
Therefore, it is certain that Lucifer knew the process by which the resurrection of mortals took place on the world of mansions, especially since the worlds of mansions are a reality at his level, therefore, much closer to him than God whom he has never seen.
In short, all this to say that, ultimately, it’s my intuition, I could be wrong, but I think that Lucifer didn’t really believe what he was saying, at least, not completely. In fact, I rather believe that it was his own inner reflections, superimposed on all his past experience (filled with situations where he didn’t agree and where he had to think each time, even more that he was right and that the others were in the field), which made him lose touch with reality. In our country, we call that a psychosis!
Neurotics dream of a castle in Spain, and psychotics are those who live in one!
So there you have it, Lucifer had managed to knit himself a beautiful story which must have been the result of all his thoughts which, often, were not well received, and which he believed to be better.
Deep down, Lucifer must have known (perhaps just had a doubt) that if the Sons existed, there must surely be a Father, as a listener so rightly mentioned at the end of your presentation.
But there you have it, since the time when Lucifer entertained thoughts and ideas that were less and less accepted and, each time this remained without follow-up and, above all, that he never heard God reprimand him or bring him back to order, this made him believe that deep down, God did not exist, since He never said anything when one cherished intentions contrary to his “will”.
And surely Lucifer had to try several times this experience of thinking or even doing things contrary to good will and which we call error, or sin, if we repeat it.
Which leads me to say that Lucifer must not have had his “201” course on free will!
Otherwise, he would have understood why God respected the bad choices he increasingly made.
I conclude by saying that after having tested the ground of the possibilities of action of free will, Lucifer ended up telling himself that everything was possible and, probably that it was this awareness (in fact, a false awareness, very selfish that one), as many bandits of this world must have lived and felt who, for a time, were able to believe that they had the right, the power and the freedom to do everything (even Vladimir Putin was able to experience this beautiful impression).
But this “impression” of believing oneself to be above everything, even God, closely resembles, from my point of view, the thin thread of reason which has just broken, the mind of the unconscious person (of their psychosis and convinced of their intelligence) having therefore lost all contact with reality.
It is difficult to say to what extent a person, deep down, can be aware of their error and the mental efforts they may have made to convince themselves of the credibility of their psychosis, but one thing is certain, the day Lucifer realized that his beautiful project was not working and that, ultimately, it was really a mistake, he preferred to continue.
There was his downfall.
When millions of people follow you and overnight you realize the error of your folly, the ego can hardly say: “excuse me gang, but I was wrong.”
Is there a human who has had the courage to take responsibility for such a mistake and then make amends?
There must not be many who have had this courage and humility, and Lucifer himself is not one of them, his ego having been stronger than his common sense.
At this point, I ask myself the following question: Lucifer must surely have known that by refusing to declare himself guilty, his non-continuity, for its part, would most certainly be “automatic” as he liked to say and, from there, does that mean that he still preferred to disappear forever, rather than continue to exist?
Having to admit one’s mistake, face the consequences of one’s actions, accept responsibility and forgive had therefore become more difficult than giving up and disappearing!
This is quite a life lesson for anyone who would start to love this kind of feeling of believing themselves to be above everything. Beware of this ego which, it is true, is itself going to meet its own downfall. In fact, it is far better to lose your dysfunctional ego than to follow it blindly!
Congratulations again for this magnificent, informative and inspiring presentation!
André Desjardins
For me, all our actions and behaviors are inherent in our mind which manifests itself in real action. Our personal choices are given to us with the gift of personality considered absolute by the Heavenly Father. Andon and Fonta were undoubtedly the first to benefit from the freedom to act by fleeing their primitive tribe. Lucifer and his rebels had the privilege of claiming the free will of personality as did the Adamic Sons. Likewise, each personality living on the planet today benefits from the freedom to think according to their personal convictions; whether in reality or in non-reality.
For me, Luciferian thought is a personal choice and is not exclusive to Lucifer. It existed well before Lucifer if I look at the privilege of the personality whether it is of human or divine origin. “… Personality endowment comes from the Father and imparts unique prerogatives of choice to the living system. But if personality has the prerogative of exercising volitional choice of reality identification, and if this is a true and free choice, then must evolving personality also have the possible choice of becoming self-confusing, self-disrupting, and self-destroying. The possibility of cosmic self-destruction cannot be avoided if the evolving personality is to be truly free in the exercise of finite will.” UB 118:7.7
I consider Luciferian thinking to be an advantage to Urantians. If it did not exist how could we perceive Truth if error is not present? No matter what we do or will do, we have and will always have the choice to do good or evil according to our personal convictions, but we can be resistant to rebellion by submitting to the will of the Heavenly Father and guided by our indwelling Adjuster.
The bestowal of Michael incarnate in the flesh of Jesus ended the rebellion in Satania except on the planets of the rebel Planetary Princes. Michael submitted to the will of his heavenly Father against coercing any personalities or compelling or exercising any form of control or forcing them into submission contrary to the absolute free will of the personality. Since the day of Pentecost: “… Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence.” UB 53:8.6
Jean Saved
Saint Agatha
After listening to Gaétan Charland’s presentation, this Sunday, March 19, 2023, which I found very tangible and practical, my first reaction was to seek to live the teachings of Jesus more, in order to influence those for whom my behaviors and attitudes could have positive effects on them.
I remember having already drawn a portrait of “Jesus, the man” based on his observable behaviors and attitudes, which gives me a simple, tangible reference.
Here is the portrait that I have retained of Jesus, this exceptional model…