© 2023 France Tremblay
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
France Tremblay
My dear Urantian friends,
I would like to share with you my thoughts on 3 subjects that are particularly close to my heart.
First: unity within the Urantian movement. For several weeks, a petition launched by Sue Seccombe has been circulating on the internet in order to reunify the different factions within the Urantian movement.
To my great surprise, this petition does not manage to exceed the number of 500 signatories… and that across the planet!
Recently, I learned that this division had indeed been initiated by Caligastia and Daligastia!
Are we going to tolerate much longer the misdeeds perpetrated by these fallen brothers continuing to influence our planet… or are we going to emerge from our inaction and take action?
For all those who think that every new movement ends up dividing or who do not feel concerned by these internal struggles… remember that on the contrary, everyone has the power to influence the course of things… we must dare to act.
As moves the part, so moves the whole. (UB 12:7.11)
Second: I attended a Zoom meeting of the Center for Unity, where they were presenting a new project aimed at shedding new light on the life and teachings of Jesus. They are using new technologies to do this that will appeal to everyone, but especially young people.
It is imperative to attract young people towards the Truth and
This project will fulfill this promise… which we greatly need to rejuvenate the troops!
This grandiose project needs financial support to take off. They have found a way that seems clever to me to achieve this. They use a very simple trick invented by a 6 year old child which consists of paying it forward, i.e. finding 3 people who will each agree to find 3 other people, etc.
What they are asking for is a recurring voluntary contribution of $25 per month. When you think that a simple order at A&W for junk food often exceeds this price, I believe that this is not too much to ask to make the life of Jesus known! Again, I invite you to dare.
Here are the contact details for more information:
“In case you were unable to record the chat, I want to make sure you have the links to the materials we presented. Feel free to share these links with anyone you like.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.”
Rick Lyon
The Center for Unity
P: 765-366-7203
Matching Fund Donations:
Third: I had the pleasure of attending a lecture given by Conrad Lavallée on the Divine Fatherhood and Morontia Life. It was a very interesting presentation that ended on a note of hope…that new groups of Urantia readers will be born.
If I understood correctly, these new groups would be more focused on the exchange of our spiritual experiences than on the study of intellectual concepts contained in The Urantia Book. And this would be done in all simplicity with an unconditional welcome of the other and with respect for each person’s experience. Hallelujah!
Again… will we dare to change or will we let fear, that master fault of the evolving human soul, direct our destiny on Urantia?