© 2006 François Dupont
© 2006 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
I have always been intrigued by the search for truth in any field. The Urantia Book talks a lot about it and especially about the good truth, that is to say the living truth. But the Book does not define it clearly. It is like an invitation for the reader himself to get to work and try through in-depth study to get involved and clarify for himself this very important notion. This is my motivation for tackling the task.
He or she who discovers a new truth in a research situation cannot boast about it: he or she knows or assumes that his or her discovery will soon become a dead truth and that another will take its place in one or another evolutionary link.
A living religion can be dead overnight: it just needs to let its structures crystallize and then impose them on the world as “THE TRUTH”.
I believe that in every universe, on every planet, and even in every consciousness, scattered throughout the immensity of the cosmos, there are dead truths alongside living truths. Evolution works everywhere and always: it seeks to harmonize with the All and with the Father of the All and of all.
There has been, there is, and there will eternally be work to be done, to make the will of conscious beings coincide with the Will of God the Father or at least with the universal, eternal and infinite plan of his creation.
What makes a truth “alive” or on the contrary “dead”? When it no longer evolves, that is to say when it transforms everything into dogma, into superstition with the impossibility of adapting to new discoveries or conquests of science and the arts. The lack of cooperation between science and religion (or theology) makes them sick, through their inability to adapt a new point of view of civilization.
Civilization in turn is largely determined by the advance or decline of science, arts, technology, morality and spirituality.
Civilization and morality could make each other healthy and humanly sound if they do not regress and reinvigorate themselves by adopting new attitudes. The sciences in the 16th century were breaking away from the geocentric point of view, while the Churches adhered to it. Some remained stagnant while others would flourish for a few centuries and lead to our scientific, but also chaotic, era.
It is a CONSTANTLY mutating and brand new civilization, which is currently approaching to seek and illuminate the new meaning of life. The new values will be:
The new meaning is emerging, but is still sorely lacking in all circles and particularly among young people. The latter are often disoriented by the immature behavior of adults…
But a cosmic storm is brewing, which will lead us towards always better and not always more, that is to say towards the “living truth” and not towards “stagnation”.
Visible progress goes parallel to inner changes. In other words: the fact or event arising on the visible slope of reality, triggers an invisible fact on the invisible slope. How will this enlighten us on the new meaning, the new direction of life?
The leitmotif… could well be:
“Learn to listen and question the silence in each of us!”
Example: the loving relationship between the divine and the human gave birth to Christ, both God and Man. This new reality is therefore both visible and invisible, that is to say symbolic, temporal and eternal, apparent and hidden, integrating non-harmful opposites.
TRUTH is determined by parameters, deduced from the universal plan — the parameters infallibly obey the necessities of the successive creations of the infinity of God.
The parameters are totally and eternally compatible with each other. They are set in motion, among others, by the Life Carriers. All creation is fixed and limited by a choice of parameters. This measure ensures the unification of all creation. The multiple spiritual and divine aids (of which we have only a poor idea) of the Life Carriers are the guarantee that nothing will ever deviate from the universal plan or plans.
The purpose is to show the incomparable magnificence of GOD and the potential magnificence of MAN. The search for the UNIVERSAL FATHER and the elucidation of the mysteries of his creation will open countless possibilities to the astonished, sincere and honest eyes of seekers of all times.
Would God have wanted to discourage man by the multiplicity of tasks, discoveries and services offered to us, poor beings, at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder?
No, God has never discouraged anyone. On the contrary, HE, being great, eternal and infinite, wanted to give only a small glimpse of his Omnipotence, by inviting us to participate in it.
Example: The Directors and Power Centers manipulate the parameters in the same way that we dissect the speeds, shapes and colors, the arrangements of our cars…
As examples, here are some new values that are now available:
Because it is unique for each personality and conversely each personality is unique for the Truth.
Same for every situation at every level.
Same for each superuniverse, major sector, minor sector etc.
Same for each planet, each race, each nation, each family, each people etc.
Same for every religion, every science etc.
The same goes for every living being, conscious, intelligent, etc.
All these truths form the mosaic of the ages and at the end (that is to say the Era of Light and Life) must be perfectly integrated into the Universal Plan of Achievement of God the Father. For this we must continually adapt. This adaptation and integration require an infinite variety of modes, forms of existence, levels, conceptions, ideals, etc. hence the need for changes in points of view and never to become doctrinal, dogmatic, superstitious…etc.
This is why the truth is alive…so alive…
The mission of the Spirit of Truth and its cohort of divine, spiritual and morontia helpers, brilliantly illuminates the importance attached to the diffusion of methods for seeking the truth; as well as the encouragement given throughout the 2097 pages of the Urantia Book. Let us therefore not hesitate to ask questions of our inner guide: sooner or later he will make you know your share of the truth as well as the way to make it bear fruit.
We sometimes wish we had been among the 70 people, that is to say the first group of students of the Book in Chicago. The members of this group had the privilege of asking questions to the Revelation Commission concerning more or less difficult points of the content of the booklets. We have the impression of being able to ask many more questions than them! But let us remember that we belong to another era, another generation, that of the 21st century and that the readers of each civilization have the duty (and the pleasure!) of discovering their truth, as well as of rediscovering the fragments of truth from previous eras.
For example, why not try personal methods to resolve and dissolve the terrible problems and anxieties of our time? Let us address ourselves with simplicity and confidence to the great Dispenser of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. He is very close to us, at the deepest level of our Being, patiently awaiting our questions.
Everyone is invited to work in their own way so that the field of investigations is entirely covered by the answers of our Adjuster. Let us come together to refine all the materials in addition to these multiple questions, which will soon accumulate over time.
Francois Dupont