This text represents a distillation of the guidance or observations made by the revelators to the Forum members, which Christie meticulously conveyed to the members of the Urantia Brotherhood. It is interesting to note that several of these statements also appear in the Publication Mandate. They remain relevant in our time and would be wise to take them into consideration.
By E.L. (Christy) Christensen
January 27, 1963
Of all the selected mortal emergency corps on Urantia, none is charged with more solemn obligation than your group.
You who hear this message are the men and women who have been called to take the first steps in offering the new light to a frustrated church and a distracted world. You are the salt of the Urantia revelation, the first light that illuminates the way of deliverance from the chaos, confusion, and darkness of the present planetary dilemma.
As individual Urantians, you each have your part to play in the immediate reorganization of human society. As a group, you are charged with a great and unique responsibility, the custody, safeguarding, and dissemination of The Urantia Book.
I praise your loyalty, but I am somewhat surprised at your relative indifference to the importance of the mission that has been entrusted to your hands. I recommend that you be ever attentive to the importance of the extraordinary trust that has been placed in you.
You who have dedicated your lives to the service of the Urantia revelation and the Urantia brotherhood of men which flows from it, you little realize the importance of your act. You will live and die without fully realizing that you are participating in the birth of a new age of religion on Urantia.
You are a group of pioneers; you are precursors.
And may you all become valiant soldiers of the circles, wholeheartedly enlisted in the solid ranks of mortals who will embark on this coming battle for truth against error, under the unwavering leadership of the mighty seraphim of progress.
One of the first lessons you must learn is trustworthiness—the capacity for confidentiality. The ability to take secrets, if necessary, to the grave. Jesus often admonished his apostles: “See that you tell nothing to anyone.”
Your responsibility is to imbue yourselves with the fragrant truths of this revelation to such an extent that all who come into contact with you will feel that you are truth lovers and spiritual explorers, that you are cosmic citizens engaged in the fascinating adventure of seeking God and devoted to the supreme passion of fulfilling His divine will.
You are called to a great work and have the transcendent privilege of presenting this revelation to the peoples of our conflict-torn world.
Good humor and the smile of happiness are among the most powerful and influential human assets in religious propagation.
The Master’s teachings will one day prevail. The brotherhood of man will one day begin. In our future effort to save America, I am sure you see the place for The Urantia Book.
Mary Lou Hales, Emma Christensen (Christy) and William S. Sadler, Jr.
Religion may permeate all four levels of the realization of values and the enjoyment of universe fellowship: the physical or material level of self-preservation; the social or emotional level of fellowship; the moral or duty level of reason; the spiritual level of the consciousness of universe fellowship through divine worship. (UB 5:5.2)
And this brotherhood, being universal, is a relationship of the whole. Brotherhood, when universal, discloses not the each relationship, but the all relationship. (UB 12:7.10)