© 2023 Gaétan Charland
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan Charland
In the presentation entitled “Luciferian Thought, Revelation and Us”, I touched briefly on a subject that deserves to be explored much more thoroughly, that of true and false freedom. The Urantia Book is probably the only valid source that can inform us about what is true freedom in comparison to false freedom.
I believe it is extremely important for us readers and students of the fifth revelation to understand the deeper meanings of true freedom and its applications in our lives if we are to be bearers of this liberating flame. We live in a time when everything seems to be so confused and intertwined that it becomes difficult for anyone to make an informed choice. When confusion reigns, anarchy breeds and chaos is born.
The advent of social networks has propelled our world into an information turmoil where falsehood marries truth. This situation has created spiritual, moral and social suffering that has caused its share of damage at all levels of society. We simply have to look back at the political situations of recent years across the world where the populist has become part of a new libertarian movement.
Closer to home, current events are full of examples where the self-affirmation that is the battle cry of Lucifer’s rebellion has put the governments in place and the rules of conduct of our society to the test. As a result of this self-affirmation, many friendships, couples, and families have been tested if not completely broken. We all know people who, in the name of their personal freedom, have broken the golden rule, that of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
We still need to understand what this rule means so as not to interpret it in a selfish and libertarian way. Here are three quotes that highlight the golden rule.
“The appearance of genuine brotherhood signifies that a social order has arrived in which all men delight in bearing one another’s burdens; they actually desire to practice the golden rule.” (UB 71:4.16)
“. . . revealed religion lays increasing emphasis on loving, the golden rule.” (UB 101:5.11)
“. . . And when such spirit-led mortals realize the true meaning of this golden rule, they are filled to overflowing with the assurance of citizenship in a friendly universe, and their ideals of spirit reality are satisfied only when they love their fellows as Jesus loved us all, and that is the reality of the realization of the love of God.” (UB 180:5.8)
If we return to this idea of true freedom, we will certainly have to do an in-depth analysis of it. As I mentioned about my reading of the booklet which is entitled “True and false freedom”; it provoked in me certain questions about my understanding of the meanings of true freedom, when highlighted by my positions on different current topics. So I challenge you to read this booklet and do an in-depth analysis of it; in order to see for yourself what your understanding is.
Luciferian thought in its expression of unlicensed freedom continues to create suffering in our world and will cease the day every man and woman assumes their status as a son and daughter of God. Jesus’ liberating message of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is of even greater need in our time and for many generations to come.
“. . . The ultimate goal of society’s most advanced achievement can never hope to transcend Jesus’ brotherhood of men based on the recognition of the fatherhood of God. The ideal of all social attainment can be realized only in the coming of this divine kingdom.” (UB 196:2.11)
This is a simple message that each of us can transmit, but it must be reformulated and presented in terms expressing family relationships as Jesus says so well in the booklet UB 142:7.4
I invite you to discuss this subject so present today in our society among friends or within your study group and to realize to what extent we live in an era filled with opportunities of all kinds to germinate the meanings of true freedom. Too often we think that our only mission is to make known The Urantia Book, let us not forget that it is the teachings it contains which have supreme value when they are made alive by and in our service to others.
If you wish, you can access and download several documents that I referred to during my presentation by following this Dropbox link
Or watch the conference on Luciferian thought by going to the association’s website at this address.
Let us remember what Jesus often said, you will recognize them by their fruits.
To love is to serve