© 2023 Gaétan G. Charland
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
Hello dear readers and members of the association,
Recently, we had the opportunity to attend a virtual conference given by Conrad Lavallée entitled “Divine Fatherhood/Mansion Worlds”. It was a very good conference highlighting our intimate relationship with God, a father-son relationship. This is a most fascinating subject that has attracted my attention for many years and I thank Conrad for his enlightening thoughts.
It is always interesting to explore topics as significant as those offered to us by The Urantia Book and to discuss them at conferences or other places such as study groups. Where I want to go is in relation to the questions posed by Mamadou Doudou Diagne following Conrad’s presentation. The questions that Mamadou asked Conrad highlight our difficulty in moving to another level of spiritual involvement. In the “Publications Mandate”, which are directives left to us by the revelators, here is what they invite us to do.
“An early publication of the Book was offered so that it could be available for the training of leaders and educators.”
The Urantia Book cannot do this task alone, it is up to us, the readers of this book, to take on this responsibility. Today, after many years, we still have difficulty overcoming our prejudices and fears concerning the word educator or teacher. I have often heard objections and perceived fears during discussions
concerning the training of educators and leaders. Too often, we brandish the scarecrow of gurus, priests or the creation of sects. Do we believe that by reading the book and participating in study groups or sharing groups that it will be enough to change us and change the world.
It must be remembered that there is only a minority of people in the world who will be interested in reading The Urantia Book. The task of sharing the teachings of the revelation falls to us. Machiventa Melchizedek himself trained hundreds of educators who traveled the world. Jesus also trained many educators who in turn traveled the world. So what are we waiting for to do the same? I invite you to read these passages UB 93:6.8 and UB 93:7.1 if you doubt what I say.
I would also like to share with you my definition of what an educator is for me, each of us, readers, have a good background of spiritual knowledge, in fact much more than the majority of people around us and often more than certain theologians or priests. We are in fact, all educators by our example, our way of living, speaking, expressing our ideas and serving. The more we put into practice the teachings of The Urantia Book, the more we become the living truth, the one that enlightens, the one that attracts, the one that enriches the lives of others. Some are better at teaching by making presentations or giving classes, and the most effective are those who serve their neighbors with love.
We cannot transform ourselves alone in our corner reading for years. We need contact with our brothers and sisters who travel the same path and by sharing experiences that enrich our souls. But even that is not enough, we must practice the lessons learned and there is nothing more effective than service to others, all kinds of service provided that it is done with love for the other in the awareness of serving a son of God. Service transforms us, gives spiritual meaning to our life and allows us to shine the light of the truth that lives within us. The more we serve with love, the better we become as educators.
“If each mortal could only become a focus of dynamic affection, this benign virus of love would soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an extent that all civilization would be encompassed by love, and that would be the realization of the brotherhood of man.” UB 100:4.6
For many years, the Urantia Association of Quebec has offered its members and readers multiple opportunities and means to help become better disseminators and educators of truths. What will it take to wake us up? Will we have to wait for another generation of readers to carry the torch? There are many courses offered in different schools, all of these courses are made available to us not only to enrich us intellectually, but also spiritually. For me, growing spiritually means giving back what I have received, as Jesus said, “you have received liberally, give liberally.” And a good way to give back is to become educators, servants.
Fall is upon us, let’s take advantage of this time of year to commit to becoming better in the ways we share what we have received and learned. Return to Urantian classes in different schools and work to qualify yourself as an educator. If I look at the average age of readers in Quebec, I would say that we don’t have many years left to make a difference. Service awaits us, let’s get involved!