© 2013 Georges Donnadieu
© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Jesus, who is a boarder at the Saint Philippe school, returns to Nazareth with his second quarter report card.
Frankly, this is not good. His mother has already seen this bulletin, but she said nothing, “meditating on all these things in her heart.” (Luke 2:51) But the hardest part remains to be done: she must show it to Joseph.
Saint-Philippe School
2nd quarter report card
Student’s name: Jesus of Nazareth
Mathematics: Can’t do almost anything, except multiply loaves and fishes. Not even in the sense of addition: affirms that his Father and he are one. (Matthew 14.20 and John 10.30).
Writing: Never has his notebook and his things, is forced to write on the ground. (John 8. 6).
Chemistry: Does not do the experiments requested; as soon as your back is turned, turns water into wine to make your friends laugh. (John 2.9).
Sport: Instead of learning to swim like everyone else, he walks on water. (Matthew 14.25).
Oral expression: Great difficulty speaking clearly, always expresses himself in parables. (Luke 8.10 — Matthew 13.10 — Matthew 22.1).
Order: Lost all his belongings in boarding school. Shamelessly declares that he doesn’t even have a stone for a pillow. (Luke 9.58).
Conduct: Bad tendency to associate with the poor, foreigners, the mangy. (Luke 14.13 — Matthew 9. 10-15).
Discipline: Has difficulty living in a group; even ran away for three days. (Luke 2.46).
Behavior: Very marked excessive tendencies with, from time to time, outbursts of anger. (Matthew 21.12).
Joseph says that it really can’t last: “Well! My little Jesus, you can forget about your vacation!”
Georges Donnadieu