© 2024 Georges Donnadieu
© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Author: Georges DONNADIEU
First of all, correction: (Link 101 March 2023 p. 10)
Forgetting the last verse, the 7th and last stanza is in fact:
“So this suffering, with great joy transmitted to many young people, is transformed into DIVINE ETERNITY”
In the thirteenth century the United Midwayers of URANTIA, operating in Europe, observed:
But the Medians also knew that, soon, printing would be invented and that sacred texts would be made available to scholars and no longer just to clerics who could access the manuscripts.
IN MAYENCE, in 1455, GUTENBERG published the so-called “forty-two line” Bible, of which he was the mastermind.
Did you say 1455? Readers of the Urantia Book say: 1955! Where, on October 12 in CHICAGO, The Urantia Book was published.
Half a millennium separates the two dates! Coincidence or synchronicity? The United Midwayers operating in North America in the 20th century AD must know this… And not only them!
The Master number 55 having already appeared mysteriously regarding the “name of the young girl”.
All the 2-digit Master numbers are multiples of x 11. Arcana 11 of the Tarot of Marseilles represents a good seat, wearing the symbol of infinity (a horizontal 8 ) and holding wide open with his hands the mouth of a lion sitting on his haunches, facing him. This arcana 11 is called FORCE. Five times 11, 55, holds hidden the quintuple force of the fifth Epochal Revelation, The Book of URANTIA. This quintuple force will irradiate our planet during the third millennium.
As in the theater, before the curtain rises which veils the stage, the Medians of Europe operating in the MIDDLE AGES, would strike three times, before the entry on stage of the fifth revelation (Apocalypse = lifting of the veil = revelation).
The first step on the path concerned the last of the three knocks. Here we will go back to the first knock, stopping at the second. Is it not true, in the Gospels, that the last are called first?
This second text, written in Latin, has only 13 pages comprising 14 sections. It is addressed to the “scholars of Europe”, using Latin for their testimonies. They often have Latin pen names. Let us mention two of them:
And also:
It was printed in CASSEL/FULDA, not far from GÖTINGEN, in the heart of Germany. Excerpts from this text were posted on the walls of Paris. A “history of French literature” used by high school students in Aix En Provence confronted me, at the age of 14, with the existence of this mysterious revelation.
You will find, opposite, the “Greetings from the Reader” followed by an extract from sections 10 and 11 of 14, as well as the entirety of section 13.
We hope that many readers of these extracts will find echoes in the URANTIA Book. As far as I am concerned, I would note that the “Revelators of the Middle Ages” were not afraid of anything.
They called a spade a spade just like the URANTIA Book calls a brothel a brothel.
Editor’s note: Does this last circle not prefigure the three circles of the banner of Michael of NEBADON, already displayed on the clothing of Machiventa MELCHIZEDEK more than a millennium before our era?
And number 13 in this section, does it not refer to the 12 apostles seated in a circle around the Master?
Reader, you will find here the 37 foundations on which our conception rests. As they are incorporated in this testimony, you will be able to isolate them from the text, compare them with each other and, moreover, see for yourself whether they are sufficient for your research. Our greatest concern is to propagate the faith in what has not yet been revealed. When all this appears in broad daylight, it seems to me, however, that we will be ashamed of so many explanations. And just as at present we can safely call the Pope an antichrist, what was once, in all places, a sacrilege, we know that we will later proclaim, loudly, what we only whisper here. May you, reader, wish with all our heart that this will happen as soon as possible.
Let it be up to us rather to testify that since the origin of the world, man has not received a work more marvelous, more grandiose and more salutary than those of the Sacred Books. Blessed is he who possesses them, even more he who reads them, and even more he who learns to know them in depth, while he who understands them and puts himself at their service, is of all, the most similar to GOD.
He must be insatiable, he whom neither poverty nor illness can endanger, who, as if raised above men, dominates what torments them, afflicts and tortures others, and who returns to the madness of nature, wages wars, and is proud because he believes he possesses sufficient gold and an inexhaustible source of money!
But the Supreme Governor wanted it quite differently, he who confers magnificence on the humble, strikes the proud with obscurity, makes his angels speak to the silent, but pushes the talkative into solitude; the Roman impostor is truly worthy of such punishment, he who pours out his blasphemies on CHRIST from a full and overflowing mouth and who does not even refrain from lying in this full light which has allowed Europe to discover his lair and his underground corridors. It appears clearly that he has filled the measure and that he is worthy of the axe. The day will come when this serpent will stop hissing and when his triple crown will be reduced to nothing. We will speak of it more openly when we are gathered together.
What do you think now, O mortals, after having learned that we announce the true CHRIST and that we loathe the Pope, that we embrace the true philosophy, lead a life worthy of man and invite, call, even invite to a close collaboration and union with us, many men and precisely those for whom, as for us, the same Divine Light shines?
Having examined your gifts, and according to the understanding of the Holy Scriptures which you now possess, having reflected on the fact that all arts are imperfect and contradictory, do you not think you should finally consider with us their healing? Do you not think you should offer your hands to GOD who does the work and devote yourself to the requirement of your time?
The reward will be that all the riches that nature has spread over the whole earth will be gathered together for you and as if united in the hearth of the sun and the moon. Then you will be able to banish from the world everything that hinders and veils man’s power of thought and his activity, as well as everything that is eccentric and does not coincide with the Circle.
It was not in the 13th century that the struggles, wars and divisions which afflict our planet at the start of the 21st century began.
200,000 years ago, the mortals of URANTIA and those of nearly 40 other planets in the local system of SATANIA, were drawn into the turmoil of the rebellion of the sovereigns of the system, UBCIFER and his right-hand man SATAN, who succeeded in “selling” to the princes of the planets that had gone into rebellion, the idea of proclaiming themselves independent of the DIVINE plan from above. For our planet, the Lanonandek CALIGASTIA and DALIGASTIA embraced the idea of rebellion, taking with them 60 of the 100 members of the general staff, NOD taking the lead of the rebels and VAN (with his ANDONITE complement AMADON) that of those faithful to the DIVINE plan.
Since the fourth revelation (Jesus Christ) the sovereigns of the system have been detained in prison. In France, when we say prison, we immediately think of the Parisian prison of La Santé and that of Fleury-Mérogis in Essonne, south of Paris.
Like the eight letters of the “young girl’s name”, I couldn’t resist playing the anagrams of the names of our prisons:
See you at the third stage!!!..