© 2011 Georges Donnadieu
© 2011 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
“20. Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.” (UB 48:7.22)
October 12, 1955: publication in Chicago of the Urantia Book. The year 1955 is an exceptional vintage for past, present and future readings of the Urantia Book.
The excerpt below from “Historical Perspective—100 Years of Revelation” published for the Urantia Foundation Jubilee is evidence of this.
On Wednesday, October 12, 1955, “the momentous transaction” took place, the publication of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. The first copies of “The Urantia Book” were published under international copyright.
The news that the first books had been delivered to 533 Diversey Parkway spread immediately. Forum members rushed to obtain copies of “The Urantia Book” that were finally waiting for them; they were eager to share them with friends and family who, until that moment, had not heard of the revelation. Appointments were canceled, transcontinental phone calls were made: the big day had finally arrived! Children of Forum members remember that day with great fondness: the first time their parents brought home The Urantia Book.
Many of them received their first copy that day. Some were relieved to know that their parents had been involved in such a noble project, after wondering all those years what they could possibly do on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Although family members of those who participated in the Forum attended the social gatherings, only Forum members read the Papers or knew of their existence at this time.
1955: the poet and songwriter Pierre Delanoë takes the copyright of “Je t’appartiens” music by Gilbert Bécaud who will perform this text, used in the film STARDUST. This film song, used by Eddy Mitchell in his CD “Grand Écran” 2009 was listened to in Sologne, the last evening of our 2010 national meeting.
Here are the 26 verses, including 6 stanzas of 4 each:
It takes some listening time to see where this song is going: it is in fact a metaphysical, philosophical, religious reflection on the place of man and on the earthly condition. “I belong to you” appears 5 times in the text, and 2 times each of the words “soul”, “hands” and “man”.
The reader of the Urantia Book may be challenged by the following words in the text: “Clay, veins, man”: on the level of etymology and terrestrial homophony, the word ADAM can evoke the following Hebrew words.
As for the UB on page 580, it tells us that the Original Material Son of Satania is Adam and those who go to the worlds of the system as biological elevators always bear the name of this first Original Son of their unique order!
In 1955, the mental sphere of the Earth (the noosphere) was enlivened by the thoughts of nearly 500 people from the Forum who participated in the transcription of the Epochal Revelation.
The poet Delanoë was able to capture some of these thoughts and evoke them in his text “I belong to you” from the year of the publication of the Urantia Book.
This poem of worship is addressed to the Creator(s) of ascending mortal man from the evolutionary worlds.
Note 1: Pierre Delanoë wrote a number of Gilbert Bécaud’s hits — of the 14 titles on the 1980 gold cassette, 5 are by Delanoë: “When you dance 53-The day the rain comes 57 -And now 61 — Nathalie 64 — Charlie, you won’t go to Paradise 70.”
Note 2: The Noës… and the floods: Noë, from the Hebrew nuah (to rest), a name which seems to be more or less a translation or an adaptation of the name of the hero of the Sumerian flood Ziusudra (life of long days).
The UB 78:7.2 “The floods of Mesopotamia” speaks precisely of this Sumerian flood and of Noah, winegrower of Aram. In Hawaiian legends the hero of the flood is called Nuu and he is called Nuwa in Chinese legends.
In this article, the poet Pierre Delanoë mentions Bertrand Delanoë, current mayor of Paris, a city whose motto “Fluctuat nec mergitur” is quite a program, in the event of a flood.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose mother’s name was Delano, but who did not avoid the deluge of fire and shrapnel on Pearl Harbor, of which he would have been warned in time.
Note 3: Wanted notice: thank you to seasoned readers of UB for indicating the passage where it is a question of the well-being of the Father pouring out his love on his creatures and receiving their adoration from them. “In your immense … you must be well”.
* Wednesday: day of the week dedicated to Mercury-Hermes, the message of the Gods.
Georges Donnadieu