© 2016 Georges Michelson-Dupont
© 2016 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The Diffusion of the Urantia Book in the World Projection 2015-2100 | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 74 — June 2016 | Italo-Franco-Swiss Congress |
In the new edition of Link, we invite you to explore some concepts from The Urantia Book in an interactive way, a bit like a study group. Questions on a given theme will be asked with a list of readings suggested to answer them.
These questions will also be posted on the forum and those who wish will be able to exchange their points of view. For a first attempt we have chosen the following theme which will be spread over four issues of the Link.
The Inevitable Injunction
As we read the epic life of Jesus, we realize the material difficulties and emotional strains he faced during his earth career on Urantia. He mobilized the powers of his personality to devote himself to doing his Father’s will, and he triumphed over all obstacles through his indomitable faith in his Father.
To do our Father’s will; to grow in wisdom and spiritual growth, we too must have educational experiences that require us to find solutions with the help of our Thought Adjuster and many other spiritual aids available to us.
“Universe difficulties must be met and planetary obstacles must be encountered as a part of the experience training provided for the growth and development, the progressive perfection, of the evolving souls of mortal creatures. The spiritualization of the human soul requires intimate experience with the educational solving of a wide range of real universe problems. The animal nature and the lower forms of will creatures do not progress favorably in environmental ease. Problematic situations, coupled with exertion stimuli, conspire to produce those activities of mind, soul, and spirit which contribute mightily to the achievement of worthy goals of mortal progression and to the attainment of higher levels of spirit destiny.” (UB 154:2.5)
This final period will be devoted to showing that the entire universe is a vast school run by loving parents and teachers attentive to our spiritual welfare, and that what we humans regard as suffering, punishment, or disaster are in reality opportunities for progress. Finally, we will consider the spiritual helpers who supplement the personal ministry of our Thought Adjuster.
Question 1: Read the following sections: 1:3; 110:2; 110:2; 103:2;
In the first quote from the introduction to the last period, there is talk of “spiritualizing the mind.”
Describe this concept in detail and what role our personality plays in it. How can it be linked to the growth of the Supreme?
Question 2: In the second period we studied the plan of progressive perfection which represents the contribution of the three persons of the Trinity. In addition, our Father provides a universal educational program of spiritualization for the ascenders of time called “the inevitabilities.”
Which of these inevitabilities speaks to you the most and which one have you experienced recently?
Question 3: Read the following sections:
Our Thought Adjuster communicates with us constantly in such a way that “Spirit never coerces, it only guides. If you are a willing student, if you want to reach the levels of spirit and the divine heights, if you sincerely desire to arrive at the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly guide you on the path of sonship and spiritual progress.” (UB 34:6.11).
What is the nature of this communication? Why does the Spirit never “constrain” us and how does he “lead” us?
Question 4: Read the following sections:
A Solitary Messenger reveals that “Cooperation with your Adjuster is not to be regarded as a particularly conscious process, for it is not. It is your motives and decisions, your faithful determinations and supreme desires, that constitute real and effective cooperation.” (UB 110:3.6)
Why do our decisions, our faithful determinations and our supreme desires constitute real and effective cooperation?
Question 5: Read the following sections:
Besides the gifts we have received from our Creators, many other spiritual influences work in complete harmony with our Thought Adjuster to assist us in our quest for perfection. At the end of his incarnation, Jesus poured out upon Urantia his Spirit of Truth.
What contribution to the spiritualization of our mind does it bring us?
Question 6: Read the following sections:
In Section 2 of Paper 194 The Urantia Book reveals that “Then, as man progresses upward in the scale of intelligence and spiritual perception, seven higher spirit influences eventually come to hover above him and dwell within him.” (UB 194:2.12)
With the exception of our Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth which we have previously seen, what are the contributions of other spiritual influences and how do they cooperate with us?
The Diffusion of the Urantia Book in the World Projection 2015-2100 | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 74 — June 2016 | Italo-Franco-Swiss Congress |