© 1999 Guy Bourhis
© 1999 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 | Who Was Jesus? |
It is very difficult to realize the work that the Adjuster does in our mind, especially when we know that, most often, this “adherence” on our part to his mission is not a conscious process (UB 110:3.6).
In the rare case where there is synchronization and harmonization of objectives between the divine Gift and its human subject, the interested soul is transferred directly to the mansion worlds without going through the experience of death (ibid. UB 110:5.3).
Still, the great goal of human experience is to attune oneself to the divinity of the indwelling Adjuster.
Also, the best course of action to adopt in order to cooperate with this marvelous divine fragmentation is to adopt and respect some attitudes and decisions which deviate from the simple theoretical credo of the style: “I believe, therefore I adhere and wash my hands…”
These attitudes and decisions are recalled in booklet 110, page 1206: 5. There are four of them, and they can be summed up in sincere and faithful determinations which can, without a doubt, lead to the fusion of the two “associates”:
Finally, let us remember that only conscious resistance to the “direction” that the Adjuster is trying to give can prevent the survival of the evolving immortal soul (ibid: UB 110:3.6).
Between the harmony which is a safe conduct for the world of houses and the refusal which definitively puts it out of action, there is therefore the right place for all possible approaches between evolutionary man and the evolving Deity.
When moral decisions translate into daily behavior to the point of becoming almost unconscious, the Adjuster takes note of them, rejoices in them, and strengthens these decisions by attempting to make them irreversible. This is an experiential fact which everyone can verify if he is a careful but objective observer of himself.
An example will help us better understand the essence of this cooperation.
Western researchers admitted to certain Tibetan or other monasteries in the Himalayan regions have noted that despite their attempts to use unpleasant words, they were unable to articulate them. The presence of the Sacred in these places was so strong that any word of inharmony or imperfection was doomed to failure.
In our inner temple, the approach is the same: as soon as we “legitimize” the presence of the Adjuster in our actions, we quickly realize that it blocks access to bad thoughts, bad words, even bad inclinations, and this, to the exact extent of our personal “gift”.
Be careful, this “manifestation” of the Adjuster’s work must not be confused with conscience. The latter alerts, warns, leaves the choice; but we listen to it or we transgress it. With the Adjuster, it is an “obliteration” of negative tendencies which is observed durably…as long as a free will always on the lookout does not come to reclaim its rights (the examples of betrayal are numerous in the history of Urantia).
This clearly demonstrates that the L.U., 5th Revelation made to the men of the 606 of Satania, potentially contains the experimental proof of what it teaches (to avoid any dogmatic connotation, I would tend to substitute “informs” for “teaches”…). Let us put it into practice without delay: we will be amazed to discover within us the Deity at work. That said, we will never know when and how our divine Gift acts…
Guy Bourhis
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 | Who Was Jesus? |