© 2013 Guy Bourhis
© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Dieudonné constantly stirs my thoughts,
Day at work, night in my sleep,
And track down my refusal to open the windows
To approach the boundaries of awakening.
My laziness annoys him, but above all his kindness,
He absolves me of my very human inclinations
And comes back secretly to deliver his will
To free myself from my unhealthy debates.
His goal is clear: he has grasped the potential
A long time ago, just before coming
Lodge in me, a thousand leagues from the sky,
To help me think and grow.
In his approach, there is no doubt
And his love for his subject is limitless.
He will never tolerate going off the road,
And will prevent its mission from falling apart.
He doesn't want to return to his sphere
From where he left with a single aim:
Convince this unique soul to survive,
And bring him to join without ambiguity,
The body of Paradise finaliters.
The divine gift or Adjuster discussed in “Journey into the Heart of a Child.” (Éditions Urantia France S.A. 2001), page 21.
Guy Bourhis