© 1998 Guy Bourhis
© 1998 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 7 — Autumn 1998 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 7 — Autumn 1998 | Emergence and Finality of Worship |
Text of a conference given by Guy Bourhis in Paris in 1984. This text is a sort of introduction for a much longer study on the same subject. This study entitled “Journey into the heart of a child” will soon be available.
Michael, during his 7th and final outpouring, delivered a message to us that we must not lose sight of in preparing for our survival. This message is the example.
Indeed, tirelessly, Michael showed the men of Urantia and the evolutionary beings of the systems of Nebadon what had to be done to deserve this survival and march towards the house of the Father, Paradise.
Michael was a true teacher, in the Greek sense of the term: one who instructs children (the païdé).
The Greek paide taught the children of the City (of the polis) to gain their status as citizens. Michael taught the children of God, men, the conduct to adopt in all circumstances to obtain their systemic, then heavenly citizenship.
And this is an essential point that must be emphasized: he never taught his teaching in a theological manner, ex cathedra, but always by his living example. If he sometimes expressed himself through parables, through symbols, it was not out of concern for hermeticism, but to better make his closest disciples reflect, those who would spread his message across the planet. Moreover, when this reflection became sterile, Michael (Jesus) did not hesitate to return to the subject, even if he was not always understood by his own (to his mother, Mary… “I am not the king of the Jews”) or by his disciples or zealots (… “I do not perform miracles and refuse to do them for your pleasure”… “all that I do, you can do… if you let the Father who is in you speak”).
During our own reflection, do we not have the duty to bring out this “exemplary” aspect of Michael’s life in the similarity of mortal flesh?
We have received as a gift - for some often after a long walk - the Urantia Book. Is it not up to us, after having been deeply imbued with the sacred value of its teachings, to be the paides, the instructors of our own children? Can we really dissociate from our “personal”, “egoistic” survival those of the children who are born of our blood or whom we have adopted legally or emotionally? How can we conceive for a father or mother normally balanced for personal survival, not to have as a deep goal to find their loved ones one day or another on the mansion worlds, on Jerusem, or even further away?
Would we be guilty towards the Supreme if we did not pass on the message of the Urantia Book to our children, by explaining to them, by translating to them with simple words, the “method” which leads to the Father, and precisely by revealing to them, at the right moment, the presence in them of their Adjuster, a marvelous divine fragmentation, with which they will quickly dialogue familiarly within the framework of a fruitful collaboration?
The children of today will be (are) the artisans, the leaders of the world of tomorrow, of the Urantia of tomorrow: they must therefore know, to the extent that they are receptive, why they are there, where they must go and how they must proceed, with the unconditional and unconditional support of their DIVINE GIFT. Thanks to them, Urantia will victoriously emerge from its lethargy, and will reorient its fundamental concepts towards the Finality of Paradise.
But are children really receptive to The Urantia Book? I can affirm it very loudly - and if we start early enough - they are much more receptive than adults…
I don’t think I’m a privileged father. No, not at all. I discovered The Urantia Book in 1978, at the same time as Laurent and Virginie, who were then 7 and 6 years old respectively. They immediately adhered intuitively to the precepts of the 5th Revelation, without anxiety, without problem. On the contrary, all anxiety about their “existential” being, about their finality disappeared and they gradually began to transform themselves by dialoguing with their Adjuster. They radiate his presence which is none other than that of the Father…
Judge this dialogue by a prayer (to the Father) and by a poem (to the Adjuster)
“My God, I would like to know you and go to you. Show me the path because it is the only one I can take to join you in your great home in paradise. In any case, my God, I have no fear on this subject, because I know that the Adjuster who lives in my spirit will help me.”
These two prayers and poems speak for themselves. They were composed by two children who were introduced to the teachings of The Urantia Book early on and who live these teachings on a daily basis.
They are balanced, happy and ask questions that leave a poor adult like me speechless, who is on his 4th reading of the Urantia Book. I will only mention one, asked by Laurent in 1980: “Dad, since I already know the Urantia Book, could I skip a class on the Mansion World, and advance more quickly towards Jerusalem?” The answer was obviously positive and I let Laurent know that he could very well surpass me - if I deserved my survival" on the road to Paradise…
In our research, in our reflection, let us not neglect our children, the children. Their mental state is in this disturbed world still relatively healthy, and it is in this framework of freedom that the Adjusters, the DIVINE GIFTS will like to descend and work to realize the evolutionary and finalitarian man of tomorrow.
One more word: Laurent and Virginie have found a follower of their age: Tanguy who, for several years now, has also been in dialogue with his divine gift.
He too was 6 or 7 years old when he first read The Urantia Book. In their common opinion, children their age in 1984 laugh and mock when the role of the Adjuster is mentioned. They themselves draw the conclusion: at 11 or 12 years old, it is already too late…
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 7 — Autumn 1998 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 7 — Autumn 1998 | Emergence and Finality of Worship |