© 2016 Guy Stéphane Nyasse
© 2016 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Testimony of Guy Stéphane Nyasse
Douala, Cameroon; October 2016
Cameroon is a beautiful country located in Central Africa. And like all French-speaking countries, we have the French language as a given. In addition, the English language is widespread, in the northwest and southwest of the country. We are a bilingual people and in fact it is more of a zone bilingualism, with a French-speaking part and another English-speaking part. Cameroon is a peaceful country, Cameroonians are a peaceful people, renowned for being one of the most magnificent host countries in the area.
Peace is synonymous with tolerance, the State is secular. All religions (at least the most widespread) are present in Cameroon. And each one makes its way by trying to convert as many people as possible. The most present are: Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Pentecostals.
Other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism are very discreet, not very widespread in the area. Perhaps this is due to the strong Christian and Islamic cultures. I myself practiced yoga for a while. The Pentecostal religion with its many so-called revival churches is in full swing here in our country. Pastors, prophets, apostles performing miracles, healing the sick, promising marriage, good physical and financial health have become the new gurus of the populations. No doubt taking advantage of the poverty that reigns in the country. This is not unique to Cameroon, most countries in the area are victims of it. My experience with the dissemination of the Urantia Book is weak. Only one person asked me to give him the Urantia Book because I share excerpts on my Facebook account. When the Book came to me I should have understood that the divine Adjuster had prepared me. My journey, my doubts and concerns had been useful, and it was He who used them. I tried to share these teachings at the beginning by showing the book to people but without success. Human beliefs are well anchored and people have difficulty changing their point of view. I downloaded a publication from the international association of readers on the subject. And I was very happy to see that the problem I was facing was not isolated, even in the West it was the same, people were also reluctant. And it was recommended to be discreet, more patient, to give the teachings of the Urantia Book without mentioning its name. I can note a better balance in my exchanges with the religionists in my environment.
So, my little conclusion is the same as that of the association, it is better to give people the opportunity to find The Urantia Book themselves than to show it to them. It is undoubtedly comforting for these truth seekers and it will be free from prejudices. I think that here in Douala we could place the book in libraries, present it in exhibitions. I myself preferred to read the revelation alone for 2 years, it was only after that I decided to look for people who read like me. When I made my decision I went on the Internet, on the foundation’s website, while browsing I found Paul Tsekar, I called him and got the book in paper. Then the book led me to UBIS and to you, my brothers and sisters. I would be available to take care of the placement in Douala and the presentation if possible.
Population in 1950: | 5 million |
Population in 2016: | 23 million |
Population in 2050: | 43 million |
Population in 2100: | 81 million |
Density 201 | 50 inhabitants/km2 |
Density 210 | 176 inhabitants/km2 |
Religions: Christians: | 65% |
Muslims: | 21% |
Ancestral: | 6% |
Official languages: Frant | English |
Child/woman fertility rate: 2000: 5.5; 2016: 4.8; 2050: 3.0; 2100: 2.2.
Life expectancy: 2000: 49 years; 2016: 55 years; 2050: 68 years; 2100: 72 years
Infant mortality of children under 5 years old: 2016: 13.5%
Literacy rate: 70% in 2010.