© 2013 Guy de Viron
© 2013 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Here is the start of the school year after sumptuous summer hours, full of light and heat. Time of harvests and flavors that pushes us to stock up on all the gifts of Mother Nature. It is therefore a time of grace and gratitude before the next frost. Is this why Dominique feels chilly when reading The Urantia Book, he who hoped to find there a powerful viaticum, a modus vivendi, a Havonian sesame…? His question has the merit of challenging us.
Fortunately, reality plunges us back into our daily materiality, a reality that is not so rosy with the sound of boots at our doors in the face of this insane drowsiness of our political leaders who have lost the visionary sense of the common good. How to react? What attitude should we adopt?
Yes, it is good to find comfort in the teachings of the Urantia Book if it is to put them into practice, share them, stimulate them and enhance them. Otherwise, what is the point of being “enlightened” if it is only to have a clear conscience. The time has come to make choices and live “for real”!
Without neglecting the testimonies of authentic seekers of truth. This is why I offer you that of Chaz Wesley: “Awakened to the fullness of life”. It’s strong, it’s powerful, it’s explosive! And us, what is our testimony?
The illustrations are inspired by the collection by Bernard Leblanc-Halmos: “Where to Find Time?, Guide to the Use of One’s Destiny, Editions de l’Être/Image.
I note with delight the sentences of his presentation: “Human time represents what is most precious. It is our health capital, our life insurance for us and those around us. This guide for the use of one’s destiny, dietetics of time, dietetics of the heart is kept within reach and used without moderation to find the time to rejuvenate one’s spirit for the benefit of all those with whom one spends it…”
Happy reading to all.
Fraternally yours.
The Editor in Chief
Guy from Viron