© 2011 Guy de Viron
© 2011 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
The Chicago Symposium is, in itself, such a dazzling event that it would be enough to fill this edition of the Link. So, enjoy the testimonies of Jean and Dominique! With gratitude for having been “our eyes” and our spokespersons on a global level!
Paul is always present with his Hymn to Love, the first part of which I am telling you about! Astonishing this Paul who bases all his teaching on this cardinal value that is love, emblem of our superuniverse!
The Eternal Feminine also continues! With the participation of Christine and various other lyrical testimonies in praise of… women.
For my part, the desire was irresistible to introduce a slightly incongruous reflection, the Tupperware saga!
For the Eternal Feminine to express herself and be recognized, she must be given the opportunity, right?
But, from time to time, there is a little helping hand from destiny like this Tupperware adventure! Beyond the smiles, I invite you to discover that an authentic response to the basic expectations of Western women allows them to free themselves a little and therefore to participate fully in the more spiritual edification of the human community.
The originality of this adventure is essentially feminine and bears witness to a prodigious evolution of mentalities over the past half century… In short, a resolutely feminine world which is well worth a little detour in itself! The opportunity also to recognize a “great lady”: Brownie Wise!
Concerning the illustrations, here, as a wink, are extracts from the comic strip “Jesus among the Pharisees” by Christophe Delvallé, with the theme: the first Christians and “Walking on water”!
Happy reading to all
Fraternally yours.
The Editor in Chief
Guy from Viron