© 2008 Guy de Viron
© 2008 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Recently appointed editor (in chief) of the AFFUB quarterly magazine, currently Le Lien, my new task will essentially consist of energizing it a little and giving it the colors that afflutists expect from it. How will this be done? Well, thanks to all of you who will read it, comment on it, feed it…; because alone, it’s mission impossible!
So, here it is, I tell myself that we, the community of readers of The Urantia Book, possess the most beautiful, the most alive and the most attractive LINK there is: that of spiritual knowledge thanks to this fifth Revelation! We receive it graciously, in a direct line from our Elder Brothers who are so affectionate towards us and so patient to see us manifest it wisely! What a wonderful boon! There is no more sumptuous good here below!
We are therefore privileged in many ways compared to most of our contemporaries, generations that preceded us and many others… Of course, an association review cannot supplant, obscure or even claim any merit whatsoever. No, let’s stay on the ground: it is a basically human work, written by scribes who are more or less talented but desperately sincere and altruistic, who understood that spiritual growth went hand in hand with exchange and that activating their pen allowed them to better illuminate their own “inkwell”… As I am one of them, I simply hope that you will join in this prodigious experience.
In fact, I don’t have much to do except invite you to a moment of relaxation, between two fusion thrills with The Urantia Book, a bit as if we were going for a stroll among the stories of each other, the ecstatic discoveries of the “new kids”, the IR action plan, the presidential leadership, etc.
One thing is certain: all the routes are marked, there is no risk; each at their own pace and according to the textual topography that you have chosen. So let’s go, letting ourselves be guided by the most wonderful of guides, the Spirit! May relaxation and the joy of walking together be fraternally ours!
To all of you, happy reading, to the best of your respective discoveries and your sharing. A final word, grant me your indulgence for this issue which is not free of “typos” but which, thanks to your suggestions, will always be of better quality. Sincerely yours.