© 2014 Guy de Viron
© 2014 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
If Teilhard de Chardin leaves us at the end of this edition, can we imagine what this great thinker would have revealed and experienced in the light of The Urantia Book…
The saga of the last Winter Olympics has just ended in a grandiose manner. Apart from any material controversy, there is room for reflection and recognition. A man stood up and invested himself body and soul to restore the image of humanity: Baron Pierre de Coubertin! It is gratifying to see that this spirit of universality now touches more than a fifth of the world’s population and that it conveys Olympic values on a cosmic level, constantly evolving. Today, parity between men and women among the Olympic disciplines has practically been achieved. This is gratifying in more ways than one.
Jean R. offers us some scientific thoughts about UB while Simon O. continues to take us on his cosmic journey…
The illustrations are always inspired by the collection of Bernard Leblanc-Halmos *. Their theme is intended to be like a scourge of our time: the traffic jam! A recurring theme that congests our travels but also formats our personality by the all-practical, the all-economical, the all-hygienic and sanitized; this formatting imprisons our personality little by little… Everyone knows it and everyone continues to gain experience every day!
So, let’s get corkscrewing!
Happy reading to all. Fraternally yours.
The Editor in Chief
* Where to Find Time? " Guide to the Use of One’s Destiny, Éditions de l’Être/Image.
Guy from Viron