© 2012 Guy de Viron
© 2012 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Here is a spring edition of the Urantian Link, invigorating and invigorating as you wish! Starting with a more airy, more fluid layout, which should please our senior readers! It’s up to you to judge! For the moment, no return to colonization planned as in the Urantia Cosmogony or certain other editions of the Urantia Book.
Basically, we are on our way with the third part of Meredith Sprunger: our superconsciousness, the soul and the personality! By reading this extract we will have an emotional thought for its interpretation since the beginning of this year marks the departure from Urantia of this great thinker.
Literary flowering obliges, here is a new section of compilations ready to put into practice. We will begin with “Self-esteem”, a magnificent program which allows us to stay in shape and which completes the Testimony of Joseph Stutz, the millionaire, and supports the theme of confidence so dear to our Master Michael of Nebadon.
A summary of our meeting at La Neylière, in the Lyon countryside, and a word from our new AFLUB President, Ivan Stol.
Dominique Ronfet stimulates our conscience with empathy and leadership and invites us to take the time to meditate and act!
In the freshness of the undergrowth of poetry, a few lines from Khalil Gibran and The Breath of God by Yochin Tarutode.
For the illustrations, the exercise proved rather difficult to illustrate the particular theme of “psychic circles”! That’s done!
Make the most of this moment of relaxation! May it inspire your summer days! Happy reading to all!
Fraternally yours.
The Editor in Chief
Guy from Viron