© 2012 Guy de Viron
© 2012 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Nothing like a little Link to ward off the bad omens of this end of the year!
If Charlie Chaplin questions the quality of knowledge, it is also good to ask the question of consciousness. Are we teachable?
What is this part of our self that learns? After the innate, the acquired and the teachings of our faithful Thought Adjuster, how can we manage to coordinate everything in a balanced and enthusiastic character, if not joyful as in full consciousness (Mindfulness)? Not to be confused with divine guidance…
From our friend Chris R. we have the notion of “Free Will”, the continuation of the spiritual resources of Meredith Sprunger as well as the third part of Self-Esteem to put into practice!
Honorable amendment for the few printing “typos” remaining in the last Link, in this case n60! The latter, corrected, is now available on the AFLUB website in its PDF file form. Indeed, the altitudes of the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are obviously negative; the fictional text on “The Footsteps of Jesus” was not signed by the right author and its references imprecise.
As for the legendary Maxien Quiz, there were only 6 correct answers since the 7th concerned the seven major worlds gravitating around Jerusem, answers 8 to 19 were a replica of the previous Quiz, n¹0…
Consequently, the correct answers are added to this booklet! In any case, they were undoubtedly… familiar to you!
Thank you to all of you, loyal readers who have pointed out these small editing imperfections. Proof that the articles are read assiduously!
The 4 illustrations present reflect the quest for human “Knowledge” at 4 different ages.
Happy reading to all
Fraternally yours.
The Editor in Chief
Guy from Viron