© 1996 Antero Huovinen, Chuck Van Sant, Lee Armstrong, George Horton Foster, Jeffrey Wattles, Cathy Hoffman, Janet Nielsen
© 1996 International Urantia Association (IUA)
Issue No 1-1996: (1) How Big Is Orvonton? (6) Adjusted View into the Ultimatons; (6) Meditation for the Morning; (7) Prayer; (7) Spiritual Downs; (10) A Short Biography; (13) The Value of Loyalty; (15) United States URANTIA Association; (15) French URANTIA Association; (15) Conferences in 1996.
Antero Huovinen
Lahti, Finland
It seems to be a common belief among interested readers of The URANTIA Book that Orvonton and the Milky Way galaxy are one and the same thing. In line with this notion, various scientific findings have been suggested as apparently supportive of the information presented in The URANTIA Book as concerns the size and star density of the Orvonton galaxy. Being a regular reader of a number of scientific publications, I know at least something about the recent scientific theories and findings. I keep the scientific methods and the achievements of the sciences in high esteem, but a helpless skeptic as I am, I sometimes fail to believe in what is written in the name of science.
Astronomy is the very sector of basic research where different and divergent theories are suggested more than perhaps within any of the sciences. Even if the methods of observation are the same and the devices more or less identical, the resultant theories are many times divergent, due to the differences in the interpretation of the observations. Many astronomical articles call attention to the uncertainties involved in the various measurings and the difficulties associated with all interpretations based on these findings. Theories are discussed and are submitted to tests using all available means and methods. New methods of observation are introduced from time to time, new devices are deployed, and these methods and devices, along with the new insights of the astronomers, yield ever new theories and revised and updated world outlooks. Maybe even that day will once dawn when the physical systems and patterns explained in The URANTIA Book will be the subject of serious scientific perusal and research.
Chuck Van Sant
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
In the 3-95 edition of the IUA Journal, I suggested in my paper about ultimatons that the quarks that scientists have been studying in their particle accelerators are the rings of proton-ultimatons (wimps) that I described there. The discovery of the “top” quark last year shows that this is in error, since the “top” has a mass greater than that of an atom of gold, around 400 times that of the proton.
Lee Armstrong
Greenville, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Good morning my loving Spirit Guide. I pray this morning in your Light for increased communication with my Indwelling Spirit. It is my will to further cooperate with my Adjuster who creates the transcript of my soul. I pray for the enlargement and growth of my soul today, if only by a little. Help me to think of the Father first when faced with a decision. Help me to remember Michael first when faced with the animal reactions of my human nature. Help me to nurture the Spirit in all those who are in my path today. It is my will, Father, that your will be done.
George Horton Foster
Chino Valley, Arizona, U.S.A.
It seems to this writer that it is variously stated and implied in The URANTIA Book that what one needs and wants is already known to the Father, even although one’s own perception may be nebulous, incomplete, or otherwise misunderstood. So the object of prayer need never be a supplication of one’s desires. But prayer may be of great value for clarification of those desires for oneself. As in psychotherapy, verbalization, whether spoken or written, will help bring about recognition and understanding of one’s hopes, fears, needs, and intentions. Further, regular verbalization of prayer if you prefer, will not only allow modification of the statements when new knowledge or experience suggests change is appropriate, but also will help maintain action, and consistency of action, based upon those statements. It seems to this writer that the link between prayer and action is of great importance, but appears to be badly neglected in many cases.
Jeffrey Wattles
Stow, Ohio, USA
In all the Scriptures there is no commandment that thrills me and challenges me and provokes my meditations so much as the words of Moses from Leviticus and Deuteronomy, repeated in the presence of Jesus by the Jewish lawyer, and confirmed by the Master as the way to eternal life: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no experience in mortal living or beyond it, I would hazard, that surpasses the joy of really loving God-wholeheartedly, with a complete, coordinated personality, and genuinely loving our fellow beings. Whenever we touch that life, we know it to be true and good and beautiful, and we know that its source and destiny is God.
Cathy Hoffman
Melbourne, Australia
Does anyone know the meaning of “being Jewish”? I don’t. Is it racial? Religious? An attitude? A reservation? A Grudge, a ‘No!’ to the majority style, a fate? Whatever — I was that.
Because of some wilfulness about being “other”, I early embraced my mother’s racial religion as my own. It was an embrace of vigour and defiance. I defined large proud chunks of myself with it. As a kid, I liked boastfully saying, “I’m a Jew.” I liked what it did to people’s faces, the negative power of it.
As for him, poor Jesus of the Christians, well, as a young punk widgie, I liked him, despite my innate rebelliousness. He was a hero, no question. He said what he meant, meant what he said, he risked all safety, energy, vision, and died with love in his heart. He was a Mensch. Also, as some of those lascivious statues and paintings of him said, Christ Jesus was pure man, he looked real good to the eye!
Janet Nielsen
Portland, Oregon, USA
Of all the human virtues, loyalty is the keystone. Loyalty in human decision is a true indicator of spiritual integrity in an individual. Spiritual growth cannot take place without its presence. In the progression of personality, loyalty precedes even love. Cosmic morality is founded in the “interaction between liberty and loyalty” (UB 39:4.10). Jesus does not demand sacrifice from us, but he does require our loyalty.
Congratulations, fellow IUA members! Your presence on this roster is a testimony that your loyalties are sound and discerning. Your membership signifies that you wish to co-operate. To learn “how to plan with other and wiser beings.” That you wish to give credit where credit is due. Though there may not be material reward for your loyalty, in eternity, true liberty is the reward of true loyalty.During the past decade, all sincere readerbelievers of The URANTIA Book have had their faith and loyalties severely tested. We have been asked to participate in many dubious undertakings: outfitting bunkers to prepare for a worldwide catastrophe, listening to “channeled” pronouncements at Urantia study group meetings, even being asked to help finance the printing of unauthorized versions of The URANTIA Book, and assist in the overthrow of the URANTIA Foundation’s possession of the copyright of the revelation text and symbols.
URANTIA Foundation’s Offices were established by URANTIA Foundation, Chicago in order to improve the broad availability of The URANTIA Book by establishing it in libraries and bookshops throughout the World. These offices also provide information and friendly assistance to new readers and serve as a central point of contact in their part of the world for people who have inquiries about The URANTIA Book. The offices encourage the study and dissemination of The URANTIA Book and its teachings by supporting the formation of study groups and interaction amongst readers. To this end, the Foundation provides a study group referral service, assists readers in their study of The URANTIA Book, and publishes non-interpretive study aids. The offices foster social and fraternal cooperation end good will among readers through the framework of a social world-wide organisation, International URANTIA Association (IUA).
Donations to the Foundation are most welcome in that they help to fund translations and to maintain and improve ongoing activities.
URANTIA Foundation has a unique role to play. They have therefore trademarked and registered the name URANTIA and the Concentric-Circles Symbol. These are the service marks which identify URANTIA Foundation and its affiliates throughout the world and, most importantly, The URANTIA Book itself. The Foundation welcomes the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them. The addresses of the Foundation’s offices are listed in the front of The URANTIA Book.
Operationally, IUA’s constituent Associations are self-governing groups linked together through their IUA Charter and readers’ common membership, and shared tasks and functions. The liaison work of IUA includes: 1. Referring readers to study groups. 2. Responding to reader inquiries. 3. Sponsoring meetings, seminars, and conferences. 4. Developing teaching and leadership skills. 5. Publishing newsletters and periodicals.
For detailed information on the aims and structure of IUA please refer to the: International URANTIA Association Charter and Bylaws pamphlet which is available upon request.
Carole Jett
The formation of a United States national organization was official as of February I, 1996. The national association was formed to assist and facilitate representation for all regional IUA associations of the United States in both the national and international arenas. There are fourteen regional associations in the U.S. The birth of this organization was more than two years in its gestation period.
At the 1994 International URANTIA Association Conference in Nashville, the formation of a USA national chapter of IUA was discussed. At that time, because so many of the regional associations in the United States were in their early developmental stages, it was decided to postpone this agenda item.
During the 1995 IUA meeting at the Nashville Conference, the Coordinating Committee, with the gentle persuasion of our international friends from Finland and Australia, emphasized the need for a representative body from the United States. This was in accordance with the IUA Charter and Bylaws.
Therefore, the Coordinating Committee convened a pro tem body of officers who served until the democratic voting process could take place. The official name of this new organization is the United States URANTIA Association (USUA). USUA was formed as a service organization. It is not an administrative body. Its purpose is to act as a liaison between all regional associations and overseas associations. A Nominating Committee coordinated the election of term officers. Nominations were solicited for each office. Every member of the regional associations was contacted by mail. The voting process took place, and, on February I, 1996, the elected officials formally took their respective offices. The President is Richard Brinkman of Sarasota, Florida. A newsletter is presently being formulated.
The United States is such a large and diversified country. We, the officers, are hoping that the USUA will increase cohesion and add strength to the IUA. By drawing upon the wealth of each country’s unique talents and resources, we can pool our personalities to disseminate this majestic Revelation of God to Man in the patient and refined manner in which it was originally mandated.
URANTIA Association / Association francophone des lecteurs du Livre d’URANTIA (A.F.F.L.U.) was formed at a meeting of French speaking readers, held at Montereau on 2 and 3 March 1996. The new association, which at this stage unites 26 members, will foster in-depth study of Le Livre d’URANTIA, disseminate its teachings, and be of service to the readers of the book. Georges Michelson-Dupont serves as the interim president of the Association Francophone until next General Meeting to be held within a year. The French Association will publish a newsletter titled Le Lien Urantien.
Soon many of you will be receiving registration application information in preparation for the 1996 IUA Study Conference. Again this year, the conference will be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
The Southern Kindred Spirits (the regional IUA Association) conference planners are preparing for a large group, as many participants from the past conferences have indicated they plan to attend this year. It is also expected that, as with the past years, there will be a significant number of new readers who will be attending their first conference
The theme this year will complete the trilogy of conferences begun in 1994. The 1996 theme, “Dedication, Integration, And Transformation: The Journey to Service,” will allow participants to explore the process by which the teachings of The URANTIA Book transform the lives of their students. To explore more fully the three central components of the theme, each day’s study will be dedicated to one central component with the final day offering a capstone which will improve each participant’s understanding of the meaning of service.
The importance of these IUA Conferences is the focus on study, since evaluations from the past two conferences have overwhelmingly supported this approach. In addition to the ongoing study sessions there will again be special sessions for new readers. There will be considerable time allowed for socialization and a variety of organized reversion activities are planned. Preparation for another outstanding Kids’ Konference is well underway.
For members of IUA local associations who would like to plan and present regional conferences, there will be an optional evening training session designed to offer a tested and reliable roadmap for producing effective and successful conferences.
Conference dates are August 8-12, 1996. Check-in begins at 3:00 P.M. (15 h) local time on August 8, and the final session concludes at noon on August 12. Return your registration application as early as possible for significant savings.
If you do not receive a registration application, contact the URANTIA Foundation by phone, fax, or e-mail to request one. Also you may photocopy a blank application from a friend. Everyone on the I996 Planning Committee is looking forward to seeing you in August.
Finland: 14-16 June at Oulu, Finnish URANTIA Association Summer Conference
For details call the Association Secretary, Seppo Niskanen: fax +358-0-496225; phone +358-0-496561Australia: 11-14 October at Black Friars Retreat and Conference Centre, Watson, Canberra ANZURA Conference. For details call Nigel Nunn: fax +61-2-62521433 (mark attn. Nigel Nunn); phone +61-2-6252 1465
International URANTIA Association Journal
Quarterly News journal
International URANTIA Association
533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago IL 60614, U.S.A.
Board of Editors
Seppo Kanerva, Editor-in-Chief
Runeberginkatu 54 a A 5
00260 HELSINKI, Finland
Phone: +358-0-496561; Fax: +358-0-496225
Carole Jett
1366 N. Alta Vista Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 90046 U S A
Phone: +1-213-876-0765
Fax: +1-213-876-1082
Suzanne Kelly
855 East Ash Lane # 1129
Euless, TX 76039 , U.S.A.
Phone: 1-817-545-021
Fax: +1-214-7181229
E-mail: skelly@gte.net
Eddie King
1513 Gartland Avenue
Nashville, TN 37206-2754$, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 -615-650-8885
Fax: +1-615-6508862
E-mail: eddieking@aol.com
Kathleen Swadling
7 Walsh Street
North Narrabeen
Sydney NSW 2101, Australia
Phone +61-2-9913 7893; Fax: +61-2-9970 6200
E-mail: swadling@ozemail.com.au
Subscription (including postage)
4 issues: 15 U.S. dollars, 15 Australian dollars, or 50 Finnish marks.
Single copies: 4 U.S. dollars, 4 Australian dollars, or 15 Finnish marks.
Any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the International URANTIA Association, the national or local URANTIA Associations, the Coordinating Committee, the Trustees of URANTIA Foundation, or the editors.
Quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from The URANTIA Book, © 1955 URANTIA Foundation.
The method of identifying quotations is the method used in The URANTIA Book Concordance, © 1993 URANTIA Foundation
Please feel free to submit your articles, visual aids, charts, graphs, and news items to any of the editors.
© 1996 International URANTIA Association