© 2016 Ivan Stol
© 2016 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Conference theme: Who is Jesus?
GOING to HUNGARY, although not a European country, is a simple formality and an identity card is sufficient for Europeans.
This conference is at the initiative of the BUBE CUBB which is not an association but an organization of people wishing to bring together readers of the Urantia Book from Europe and initially, mainly German-speaking.
Most of us were welcomed in a Novotel not far from the Danube (far from being blue and peaceful) where the conferences and working groups took place.
I will not talk about these conferences which you can watch at this address
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/88W3TR4mwVc I will rather tell you about these moments that I was able to spend with so many representatives of different European countries, because its particularities must be known to understand our difficulties a little. Indeed, I learned that unlike the countries of the South (France, Italy, Spain, England) where only one language is spoken, most of the countries of the North have at least two official languages spoken (even Germany has four) which does not facilitate the diffusion of the book, even if the retarding influence of the churches is much less felt than in the South, following the previous Russian domination. But the Urantia Book has nevertheless penetrated these regions among peoples who seem to thirst for spirituality.
Currently, a growing need for mutual assistance and centralization of communications and contacts is strongly felt and perhaps our central position and our means could help to boost this European communication without this leading us into (less large), many architectural buildings and a large park with a zoo. The similarity ends there, the styles and layouts are different. I have nevertheless learned that many French architects have worked there and that many great musicians have stayed and lived there. Ivoan
They were there