© 2017 Ivan Stol
© 2017 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 78 — June 2017 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 78 — June 2017 | The Part Advances the Whole |
Our spiritual evolution requires a time of experiences and a time of reflection. Experience teaches us to perceive, through relationships in action, the laws that govern social life and the choices we can make according to our capacity to serve or satisfy our ambitions. But the true understanding of what we do or must do only comes from deep analyses of the ins and outs of our actions.
These analyses are of two types, those which make us feel values and those which lead to meanings. Some appeal to the spirit, spirituality, others use our mind.
This is to tell you that without exchanges through groups, understanding true values and their meanings takes much more time with the risk of going around in circles in difficult and subtle situations.
Some people think that our meetings are too intellectual, but it often turns out that many values are better perceived after in-depth analysis of the captivating texts of this book of revelations, which was written precisely for this purpose. This is why we must persevere to maintain different means of encouraging people to ask questions about their realities, to deepen their reflections as much as possible, whether within the association or outside. And if, between us, our book is our support, outside, our strength will be all the greater if we can do without it, thus proving that the values are integrated and well understood. And let us not forget that the difference in thoughts and perceptions should not oppose us but expand our awareness. With these words, I invite you to immerse yourself in reading this LINK, in which people still manage to develop interesting texts.
In all friendship
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 78 — June 2017 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 78 — June 2017 | The Part Advances the Whole |