© 2021 Ivan Stol
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 95 — September 2021 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 95 — September 2021 | The Urantia Cosmogony |
Dear Readers,
A global event is “PASSING” that leaves few people indifferent. We are at a technological advance in the manipulation of the tools of the human genome in order to make it more resistant to viruses. As Sophie Malicot pointed out to me, it may not be bad but the method is risky and unconventional and risks causing the opposite effect. And the human being, for lack of spirituality, allows himself to be dominated by fear and risks being abused.
But, Jesus told his Apostles not to concern themselves with social affairs and wars, but to transmit his message of peace of the soul and to console those who thirst for spirituality. Should we also act like this? Is it effective to fight against social phenomena due to a misunderstanding of the realities and the purpose of life on a planet for humans? Personally, I have never been able to make a superior logic heard by a person unconscious of spiritual realities and I would not engage in social struggles for fear of resembling “Don Quixote” with his windmills (today it would be more like steamrollers).
So, help people to awaken, try to understand people’s distress to bring them what they lack, but delicately while respecting their levels of acceptance of the Truth.
Wishing you a good read.
My friendships.
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 95 — September 2021 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 95 — September 2021 | The Urantia Cosmogony |