© 2012 Ivan Stol
© 2012 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
To La Neylière with truth, beauty, goodness
This site, although lacking in sanitary facilities, is comfortable and pleasant. The welcome was friendly and attentive, the food good and simple.
First of all, the general assembly.
A simple and complete presentation, available soon on our site and on request for non-Internet users, was made during this assembly. In summary, a stability in the number of readers, a site which lives without progressing too much but is quite well placed, solid accounting thanks to the many generous donations, allows us to see the future with serenity.
The election, without a fight due to lack of volunteers, of Stol Ivan as president.
His wishes: Allow volunteers to carry out projects (conferences, exhibitions) to awaken people’s awareness of the divine plan, increase European communication, reconnect with Africa for those who wish to be members.
The board of directors, with four new volunteers, decides to revise the statutes to relax and correct the flaws observed in the exercises (will vote at a future meeting), sets up a communications committee of four volunteers among them (email com_afllu@urantia.fr), decides to make the AFLUB less anonymous by agreeing to make public the names and email addresses, proposes to evaluate the possibility of holding the next international meeting in 2015 in France or in Europe.
By following the chosen extraction work of our dear Anne Marie (soon available on the site or by mail on request), we have developed an approach to the concepts of truth, beauty, goodness.
Truth is the result of our scientific and philosophical studies in our reality and it is evolving.
Beauty, poorly valued on our planet, does not only apply to the senses, but also to our emotions and values. It is the harmony and rhythm of our life.
Goodness is an exercise of our personality as directed by our Adjuster and is not innate. It is often the result of understanding and trusting in GOD’s mercy.
Man uses facts, meanings and values in the material, mental and spiritual realms to progress. Through his service he discovers truth, beauty and goodness in his evolution by meeting the sevenfold levels of Deity (the CREATOR SONS, the ANCIENTS OF DAYS, the SEVEN MASTER SPIRITS, the SUPREME BEING, the three PERSONS OF THE TRINITY).
Truth, beauty, and goodness must be unified through personality in the LOVE which is the expression of the Father to his children, and this would not be possible without the Father’s gift to man, the Adjuster.
For example for this unification: not all truth is good to say, it must be imbued with beauty and goodness so as not to harm, like so many parables of Jesus.
Ivan Stol