the body. Faced with an analysis stripped of any emotional component, the small child appears as a material structure animated by living energy: the breath of life animating a material body. The Life Carriers are responsible for the bodily form and all the elements that compose it while the Mother spirit of the local universe transmits the vital spark (UB 34:2.5). When the candle of the physical body is consumed, the dust returns to dust (UB 36:6.4).
the mind. Like any living energy system, the young child receives a material mind (emotional and intellectual) from the Mother Spirit. The mind is functional thanks to the existence of the adjutant mental spirits and is experiential as:
animal intellectual mind in the first five mental spirits,
human or moral intellectual mind, the brain has disappeared.
personality. At the beginning of life, the child receives personality directly from the Universal Father. This gift makes the moral creature a self-conscious only son. Personality does not have the possibility of fragmenting. It is unique and cannot engender another personality. Indivisible, the personality of the Universal Father does not fragment, but the greatest of mysteries, God, is the Source of all personalities.
the spirit. After the first obligatory moral decision, the little human being will receive an endowment from the Universal Father: the Thought Adjuster also called Mystery Monitor; this is the spirit. It is independent of the human person. This is a fragment of the total Deity of the Father and consequently, we can consider that the human being, by the most incredible gift possible, is inhabited by a fragment of absolute deity. This makes the personality highly respectable and the relationships between personalities of the most worthy interest. The essential role of the Adjuster is to spiritualize the material mind.
the soul. Spiritualization is done with the consent of the person concerned and by a symbiosis between two wills: that of the human mind and that of the divine adjuster. Values of spiritual reality which will be worthy of being preserved will then appear: this is how, from the harmony of a common will, the human soul is born and grows. It is the daughter of the mind and the spirit (UB 0:5.10).
At the moment when man experiences physical death, the organic vehicle is returned to the earth along with the material mind. Material memory disappears. If this were possible, one could say that man experiences Nothingness.
Independent of human consciousness three indestructible entities will endure: the Adjuster, the personality, the soul.
the adjuster. Since his human subject was approximately six years of age, the Adjuster has witnessed the experiences of man. He can therefore retain in memory that which is of value to him, for throughout the earth life of his host he has endeavored to foster the latter’s spiritual growth. At physical death, the adjuster takes with him his own memory, which is the spiritual counterpart of that of the inhabited mind, now destroyed (UB 40:9.4). The human memory of personality relationships has cosmic value and therefore persists in the memory of the divine Monitor (UB 112:5.22). One might wonder what becomes of the memory of the mother-child relationship before the age of six; this would be to forget that the guardian angels are the repositories of the curriculum vitae (UB 113:6.1) and can, with the cherubim, give additional information on the events of the earth experience, for they too have witnessed them (UB 40:9.5). To complete the safeguarding of memory, there is an inexplicable phenomenon of personality recognition authorizing two personalities who have known each other in the past, therefore in earthly life, to recognize each other and to share their memories (UB 40:9.8). We will perhaps have access to the archives of the Universal Censors.
the personality: At physical death, the data constituting the personality are under the care of the archangels of the local universe (UB 112:5.15). We do not know the exact place where this data is taken (UB 112:5.15), but we know that it is located on the worlds of the archangels (UB 37:3.8). It is on these spheres that the guarantees of identification of the personality are assured. If the personality, deprived of its memory and its identity could function as in its entirety, one could wonder if it would not act as a totally amnesiac entity, but conscious of itself.
the soul. It represents after death the total identity outside of memory. The adjuster and the personality acquire experience. But, it is not strictly speaking a growth because the two are invariable in the presence of change. On the other hand, the growth of the soul corresponds, in divine quality, to the spiritual growth of the mortal. The seraphic guardian, personal or not, will be the preserver of the soul between the moment of death and that of resurrection.
At the time of the resurrection the seraphim will respond to “the voice of the archangel Michael” (UB 37:3.6). The various remaining parts of the human person will be assembled in the resurrection halls. The soul will receive a new morontia form and a new mind which the adjuster will again indwell. The personality will again be the unifier of identity, and the soul will continue its growth in the mansions of the Father on the heavenly Jerusalem.