© 2006 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2006 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
It took millions and millions of years of evolution to obtain a creature as beautiful as me! I am not perfect, I know that, but I am working on it! Since the Life Carriers made a vow to no longer interfere in the course of the organic evolution of my planet, I am responsible for my destiny. At the beginning of this century, it seems to me that I am becoming aware that my destiny and that of all humanity are in my hands!
For this, I am helped by a crowd of superhuman beings, whom I thank in passing, but I am the only captain of my ship, I am the one in charge! I have the power to destroy myself and kill my fellow man. My freedom in this sense, however, has its limits. I have the personal ability to interrupt my physical, mental and spiritual life, at any moment of my existence. Fortunately for my fellow citizens, if I can take away their earthly life with a simple blow of an axe or a revolver, it is impossible for me to interrupt the course of their mental and spiritual evolution in the afterlife. Therein lie the restrictions of my free will. Do not doubt for a second that if I had had this power and this freedom, I would have used them in the past. To make someone suffer, then kill them and then ultimately, take away their eternal life, would that not be the end of all ends of sadistic pleasure? To blow up the earth, what a joy that would be too! but that’s another problem, maybe in a few decades…
If I had to tell you my story, I would have to go far back in time. You would have to understand that it is always the Mind that precedes Life, a mind superior to mine and yet my mind resembles. Someone decided for me that I would live and at the same time gave me the freedom to interrupt the course of my existence.
Telling you my story is ultimately about answering the existential questions “What am I?” and the famous “Who am I?”, questions which I will have eternity to answer, and which for the moment pose so many problems for me.
On a beautiful day in May, algae, or at least a certain plasma, were deposited by carriers in shallow saline waters. Plant cells began to develop and form plant organisms which multiplied and differentiated among themselves. A few million years later, in August, the first animal cell appeared by mutation. If my intuition and reasoning are correct, this first animal cell must have been what the scientists of our time call an embryonic stem cell. Thanks to this small cell, both so modest and so powerful in its capacity for actualization, animal organisms were able to multiply, become more and more complex and finally, my first grandparents were born in September, barely a million years ago.
What remains the most difficult to understand is the arrival, use and usefulness of the mind. Thanks to the mind, today I am capable of making the most advanced mechanical robots possible: it goes faster and faster, all you have to do is add fuel, put on your indicator and press a pedal.
Now, if someone observed me stripped of my faculties of emitting ideas and feeling emotions, I too would be nothing more than an organic automaton of extreme complexity, capable perhaps of moving, but devoid of conscious life. It is my Mother, the Divine Minister, who breathed Life into me and who still maintains it in me. Thanks to her, I am capable at this moment of thinking and writing.
To develop and maintain living organisms, living matter calls upon two kinds of mind:
At the beginning of evolution, the mechanical mind only serves to maintain the electrochemical phenomena of primitive material bodies. Beings react to external stimuli: certain flowers open during the day and close at night, for example. I inherited this mind; without the mechanical or non-teachable mind, all the vegetative functions of my animal life would not exist. It is this mind that directs my breathing, my blood circulation, the digestion of my food, etc. My mechanical mind is dependent on my vegetative nervous system. It is not useful to my system of thought, but it makes my body (without which I would be nothing) the most perfected machine in the world!
When a living being becomes capable of acting on the external environment, instead of reacting automatically to stimuli without doing anything else, it begins to think and becomes something other than a machine. “If I put myself under this stone”, thinks the scorpion, “the sun will not burn me”: the spirit of intuition is then capable of establishing contact with the mechanical mind. I act in the same way: erotic fantasies, conscious emotions can accelerate the beating of my heart. The feelings that I experience are the work of the Maternal ministry of the adjutant mental spirits. Through them, I have the possibility of expressing my will. As a man, I am even capable of recognizing the existence of a force much greater than mine which exalts my emotions to the point of adoration! I can now profit from the experience with wisdom!
Despite all that can be said about them, the adjutant mental spirits are only circuits by which the material mind is distributed to intelligent creatures. I will not worship them, I will not speak to them, I will not worship them! At the risk of making everyone angry, I declare, as does The Urantia Book, to UB 36:5.16, that the first five have no repercussions in the Supreme Being, which means that for him as for me, what has value and which benefits his personal growth as well as mine, is the spiritualized, non-animal mind, proper to man as well as to all celestial creatures endowed with personality.
I do not know exactly at what age I received the gift of personality from the Eternal Father, but I am certain that the first five adjutants were already flowing within me. No animal endowed with the first five adjutants possesses personality. Since my early childhood, I have therefore been something other than a simple animal!
While being material, the adjutants of adoration and wisdom, opened the door of the Spirit to me. Endowed with a personality similar to that of the Father of the universes, I am capable of having relational exchanges of friendship with Him. Thanks to the adjutants, I benefited from the ministry of the angels and that of the Holy Spirit; the God of Paradise sent me a part of himself to show me the way and lead me to him! The Truth of the Spirit helped me to become aware of my belonging to a cosmic Fraternity, merciful because of divine essence. The truth is also that I am an Eternal being, responsible for its survival!
My dear earthly friends, and you too dear angels, when you look at me, do as I do: admire the splendid creature that I am!
You who are already in Heaven, you, all celestial creatures superior to me, admire in me the magnificent work of our common Father, the Universal God!
Admire and protect at the same time, the little being that I am, struggling in the uncertainties of my planet. Admire me, I who fight constantly to obtain my daily bread, that is to say my physical, mental and spiritual nourishment, in the midst of the miseries of planetary life and apparent evil. I will never give in to despair and destruction, because I know that up there, you are waiting for me and reaching out to me! I know that one day, I will entrust the keys of my boat to my co-pilot, the guardian angel, and that he will make me land smoothly on the banks of the crystal sea, exactly where you are waiting for me. I know that up there resides my Hope. I know that up there, Love is waiting for me among you!
Jean-Claude Romeuf