© 2005 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2005 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 33 — Spring 2005 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 33 — Spring 2005 | The friend of God |
Legend has it that Doctor Sadler only truly believed in the veracity of the UB after reading booklet 139, dealing with the character and temperament of the twelve apostles.
I don’t believe a word of it! A man like him could not have failed to emphasize the great homogeneity of the UB and to believe for this reason that the UB had a divine origin. If this book were only the fruit of the human intellect, without the help of divine revelation, there would be great contradictions throughout the 196 fascicles. However, this is not the case, and, over the years, each time that I found myself in the presence of affirmations that offended my mind, of a credo unacceptable at the time, I realized that the error that I believed I had detected, was in fact only the result of an immature thought, of a reflection distorted by I don’t know what feeling or what pride. The solution to the enigma, which was only there to trigger the cogs of my analytical mind and to develop my receptivity to the Spirit of Truth, was later illuminated by the stars of a Eureka.
In any case, even if one day I had to deny the content of the UB writings, it would not be that my faith would have wavered, because my faith is nothing other than a recognition in a Universal Father in love with his creatures and his creation as well as a deep awareness, inscribed in my soul, of the Universal Brotherhood. Everything else, apart from that, is only a credo and only involves beliefs that are likely to evolve. This is why I don’t give a damn and couldn’t care less about knowing the origin of the distribution of the booklets. Only the content of the 2097 pages matters to me!
“It is not good for man to be alone!” If reading the book in private is necessary, the exchange of points of view in a reading group remains obligatory in order not to succumb to a narrowness or rather to a stifling of thought. We realize in a group, that alone in our isolation booth, we do not always reason correctly! Each one makes the whole thing move forward. We do not find saints, such as those honored by the Catholic or Orthodox Church, among the members of this group, but ordinary men with their qualities and their faults. We learn to know them, to support them and consequently to love them.
Reading The Urantia Book is an approach, a search, a desire to know God and his creation. It should be done with three abilities which are differential components of the mind. The ideal would be for these to function in perfect balance, but yet, each of us tends, without realizing it sometimes, to use in our reading, the most developed ability with regard to the other two.
Referring to the Intelligence Quotient, which everyone has heard of, I propose that we call them the three Qs: IQ, EQ and SQ.
World experience has shown the disasters that can be caused by the domination of a mind believing itself to be endowed with extrasensory or other powers, over weakened individuals. Sects abound and still crucify the innocent. The mental destruction of the free will of a personality by any guru, by one who attributes to himself the name “chosen one”, is an abomination. Even God refuses to dominate us!
But, let us not forget that from our humble planet to the heavenly splendors, God’s creatures worship their Father Creator. This is why it would be right not to forget the spiritual character of our meetings. A moment of meditation, praise, and adoration is a gift made to the Father of creation and an awareness of cosmic brotherhood.
Wanting to impose one’s opinion, whether on the intellectual, emotional or spiritual level, is seeking an undeserved power of domination over others. It is practicing intolerance and consequently, it is rejecting love. Knowledge of the truth can be acquired through IQ, sensitivity to beauty is a fruit of EQ and goodness develops through QS. But, the harmony of the three is synonymous with divinity or love.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 33 — Spring 2005 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 33 — Spring 2005 | The friend of God |