© 2023 Jean Claude Romeuf
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Jean Claude Romeuf — July 14, 2023
One evening in the year eight before the start of the Christian era, in mid-November, Gabriel did not wait for Joseph to return from work to announce to Mary:
I come on the order of Him who is my Master and whom you must love and nourish, you will call him Joshua; he will inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth and among men.
Jesus was born on August 21, 1907 in Bethlehem.
But last Friday, Jesus had been crucified; the apostles, his disciples, the men and women who loved him, remained distraught.
The large millstone-shaped stone blocking the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea had not yet been rolled away when, at ten minutes to three in the morning of Easter, on April 9, in the year 30, intense vibrations were heard inside the tomb.
This phenomenon was not audible to the Roman soldiers who were standing guard so that no one would steal the remains, because it was only at the first light of dawn that, seized with panic, they took to their heels, seeing the stone rolling all by itself along the groove cut into the rock. Of course, they could not see the secondary medians responsible for this movement.
Already at two forty-five, the paradisiacal commission of incarnation formed of seven unidentified personalities from Paradise had deployed around the tomb. Apart from witnessing the resurrection of the Creator of the local universe, we do not know for what other reason they had come from so far away.
At this hour, the material body of Jesus, no longer useful, lay wrapped in bandages in its shroud, exactly as it had been placed. Only human beings could be worried and disillusioned, but not heavenly personalities. He had promised to resurrect, they were sure that he would keep his promise!
So there crowded around the tomb, a whole bunch of high-ranking people who had taken advantage of the best seats in the stands, to watch the spectacle. All had their eyes fixed on the mortuary compartment, their gaze shining with curiosity and emotion because Gabriel had already warned everyone that Jesus, even if he had lost his life, would be the only actor in his resurrection in morontia form, without any outside help.
This is why no one dared to enter the tomb. It was necessary to prevent people with bad intentions, perhaps coming as spies from Eastern countries, from being able to accuse Jesus of cheating.
Those who gathered there were more numerous than for the July 14 parade on the Champs Élysées or for a football match between PSG and OM!
The humble seraphim stationed on the planet had taken up their seats and threatened their superiors with a strike if they were forbidden to come and pay homage to their beloved Creator. The dead, the messages and the transports for which they were responsible, would have to wait a few more days!
Suddenly, at two minutes past three, a clamor fills the stadium. The seven unidentified Paradise personalities signify their intention to depart at once for Uversa. Chants accompanied by celestial music rise from all sides and their echo goes beyond the limits of the local universe, the seat of the seventh superuniverse, and fills all the spheres of Paradise with joy while the inhabitants of Havona do not understand what is happening below, because they have not yet removed the dark gravity bodies which obstruct their view.
Although it is forbidden, some angels light Bengal fires, probably cherubim and sanobim who are the most pranksters of the tutelary spirits. Of course, they rejoice when one of the mortals they have accompanied enters the third cosmic circle, but at that moment, they express a slight feeling of sadness because they can no longer bring him help: the role of angelic protection is then entirely devolved to the personal seraphic guardian who is more concerned with safeguarding the soul than with trifles. (UB 113:1.7-8; take into account in 8 the word exclusively)
We could no longer hear ourselves speak. Then the resurrected morontia form and personality of Jesus of Nazareth, placed themselves above the tomb in the presence of Gabriel, his Bright and Morning Star. He greeted him first and raised his arms as if he were still on the cross, to ask for a little silence. Then he expressed his desire to take a break on Earth and on the mansion worlds, in order to participate in the life of his ascending creatures and to reveal a little longer, the will of his Paradise Father. He would therefore take the necessary time before saying his farewells.
At the end of the performance, he signaled to the Personalized Adjuster who had continued to accompany him, that all the intelligences of the universe should be requested to return to their respective stations.
Although he had not yet received from the Ancients of Days the official document, attesting to the success of his seventh bestowal and declaring him Master Creator Son, Jesus asked Gabriel to take care as quickly as possible of the dispensational resurrection of the sleeping survivors: the poor things! Some had been waiting since the coming of Adam and Eve, 37,000 years ago!
So, a little after four-thirty in the morning, the Radiant Star summoned the Archangels to his side. Together, they headed toward the spiritual pole of Urantia. It is on the world of the Archangels, rotating around Salvington, that all the personalities of the local universe are registered. This is what guarantees their identification so that there can be no possible mistake.
When Gabriel gave the signal, the voice of the Archangel of Resurrection rang out from Urantia to the capital of Nebadon to release the sleeping survivors who soon found themselves in the resurrection halls of the first mansion world of Satania.
This was the first time that roll call was sounded from Urantia. On previous occasions, the trumpets sounded from Jerusem.
Yes, but there you have it, all these personalities had partied.
Because of this, they had not arrived at the rendezvous point in time. The survivors therefore remained in unconsciousness longer than necessary, until each finally received a new morontia body. Among them, the most numerous were the mortals awaiting the end of the 1st Age. Precisely today, this third dispensational resurrection was to mark the inauguration day of the fourth planetary period!
Other mortals, in smaller numbers, who had to hope for a periodic millennial resurrection, would benefit from it in advance. The least fortunate, but the rarest were those who had personal guardians and who, having recently died, should have been resurrected on the third day. This resurrection on the third day had only become possible since Jesus, a little before his baptism, had settled the rebellion of Lucifer on Mount Hermon. We remember that even Moses had to wait for a periodic resurrection, because Caligastia had opposed his waking up immediately.
The seraphim who were to testify for their ward were therefore eagerly awaited on Maisonnia the first! But that’s a figure of speech, because all the survivors were asleep and didn’t realize anything.
Previously, the heavenly hosts had witnessed two Dispensational Resurrections.
When Adam and Eve had sworn allegiance to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek and to Michael of Nebadon, the blameless Van, one of the forty of the Hundred of Caligastia who had not adhered to the cause of Lucifer, proclaimed them sovereigns of Urantia. He was doubtless accompanied by Amadon to whom he owed his germinal plasm.
The third planetary epoch then began. Gabriel called upon the Archangels and ordained the second dispensation of grace and mercy upon the 606 of Satania.
This age is marked by the fall, the partial failure, the isolation of the ancestors of the violet race, but what must be remembered above all is their repentance. Judged for their fault and condemned to die like simple mortals, they obtained the mercy of Michael. Their present status is superior to that which they possessed when leaving Jerusem. After their death, they were welcomed on the mansion worlds which they jumped into with both feet without waiting for the dispensation at the time of Jesus to come, they merged with their Adjuster and are now part of the body of the twenty-four counselors of Jerusem.
Another particularity of this age was the appearance of secondary midshipmen from the descendants of Adamson (son of Adam) and the beautiful Ratta, who was said to be the last survivor of the Nodites.
The colored races appeared five hundred thousand years ago, almost simultaneously with the magnificent Planetary Prince Caligastia and his assistant Daligastia who three hundred thousand years later would adopt the treacherous manifesto of Lucifer.
The second planetary epoch began when upon their arrival the first dispensational resurrection took place.
Andon and Fonta, the founders of the Andonic race, were among those who awoke in the resurrection halls of Satania. They had to wait five hundred thousand years. No being who has lived on earth has broken this longevity record while sleeping!
This feat is all the more remarkable, as they merged with their Adjuster as well as Sontad, their first born and several of their first generation children!
Generally, in these early days of humanity, Adjusters are only loaned during the lifetime of a person in whom fusion is possible, but most of the time it is with the Spirit and not with the Father.
Andon and Fonta inaugurated the first planetary age when an Adjuster entered their minds and Urantia was declared an inhabited planet. They had minds capable of making choices, but they were so undeveloped that they probably could not go beyond the seventh or at most the sixth cosmic circle. Our original parents are proof that if one is on the lowest scale of society, one can fuse with an Adjuster on the Mansion World. They are a real hope for those who have very limited reasoning powers.
Very quickly, the cultural and spiritual level retrograded, which did not prevent the most degenerate humans from reproducing. It was necessary to wait ten thousand years for a tribe descended from the most capable and isolated Andonites in a region of the Caspian Sea, to see the appearance of Onagar, a master thinker who enhanced the spirituality of the planet. From this region left cultured emissaries who were the first to cook meat, to teach a religion superior to that of Andon and Fonta and to possess an effective tribal government. It was from Onagar that the Adjusters and the seraphim arrived in large numbers.
During this golden age of primitive man, periodic resurrections became possible as well as resurrections on the third day: Onagar who taught the worship of one God, the Breath Giver, is the only personage prior to the Planetary Prince who was chosen from among the races of Urantia to be one of the 24 Counselors playing a role in the administration of the local system.
Later the primitive society fell into cultural and spiritual decadence. During this first age however, certain peoples of Foxhall in England and the tribes of Badonan in the northwest of India continued to maintain some traditions of Andon and certain remains of the culture of Onagar. (UB 64:2.4)
Above all, it must be remembered that migrations allow the conservation and development of culture.
Despite the degeneration of the original Andon race, the best elements of the Foxhall peoples crossed the Bering Strait which at that time was connected to England by ice. They were the principal ancestors of the Eskimos.
At about the same time the most gifted Badonan tribes exterminated their animal-oriented neighbors or drove them back into the forests. Among their descendants appeared a new people: the Neanderthal race who dominated the world for nearly five hundred thousand years until the migration of the evolutionary colored races, that is to say two hundred thousand years after the arrival of the Planetary Prince.
Then within the Sangik family which was part of the Badonite tribes of the highlands (Himalayas), the six colored races appeared by mutation. Although this event is not directly linked to the appearance on earth of Caligastia, it was at this moment that the second planetary period began, five hundred thousand years ago.
The migration of colored races was possible when the continents that we know became more and more differentiated. With it, tribal wars began to develop on a planetary scale.
Today, the struggles are between nations and groups of nations. The wars can only end when the peoples of the earth unite their strength in one world government. This is what The Urantia Book teaches.