© 2007 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2007 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Ability to comprehend is the mortal passport to Paradise. Willingness to believe is the key to Havona. The acceptance of sonship, co-operation with the indwelling Adjuster, is the price of evolutionary survival. (UB 26:4.15)
It is not possible to grasp the undivided and personal relationship that the three existential Deities of the Eternal Island maintain within the Total Deity itself, that is to say within the Trinity of Paradise.
However, thanks to the revelations of The Urantia Book, the experiential aspect in the Finite of this triune relationship of Deity can be approached by the Trinity of Supremacy. It is in fact the latter which represents the purpose of the Father, the Son and the Spirit to participate in the experience of living creatures in the Supreme. Thus, through the intermediary of God the Sevenfold, Deity can free itself from existential limitations by participating in the experience of the Finite. God would be incomplete if he were not both existential and experiential.
Everyone knows that personality is devolved by the Father-Son relationship, the Son is the model and the Father is the origin. The Infinite Spirit also engenders its own Daughters, it is the Conjoint Actor of all spiritual, mental, morontia or physical creation. But in the Trinity of Supremacy are contained all the potentials of the Supreme Deity, that is to say all the personal potentials of the creatures and Creators participating in the experience of the Finite and bringing forth an all-powerful focal center in the person of the Supreme Being.
Personality beings may sometimes arise out of other than a personal relationship; for example, the tertiary Supernaphim (UB 17:5.3) whose function is to aid the Paradise or superuniverse Pilgrims and who were brought into existence by the Seven Impersonal Spirits of the Havona Circuits, circuits inaugurated as a creative response of the Master Spirits to the emerging purpose of the Supreme Being (UB 26:2.6). The Trinity is other than a person in an incomprehensible relationship of personal Deities. It is this which originally encompasses all the potentials of Supremacy. It it was which, at the dawn of time, engendered the first group of Supreme Spirits, the Seven Master Spirits.
From there, the Seven Master Spirits, installed on the paradisiacal spheres of the Infinite Spirit, inaugurated their creative power which associated with the creative potentials of the Trinity were the very source of the actuality of the Supreme Being (UB 17:2.2). Can we say that the emergence of God the Supreme is the sevenfold concept of the Master Spirits? If the question remains, the image can however be kept.
The original plan of the Supremacy was to create beings of low but willed scale, capable of attaining Paradise perfection by ascending experience, while others, begotten, eventuated, or created in perfection, descended to the superuniverses to share the experience of the pilgrims of time and space.
In the days of Grandfanda, when for the first time mortals from the spheres of space reached the outer circle of the Central Universe, the Natives of Havona noticed that Paradise pilgrims were landing on the shores of the first circuit. The meeting place was exactly at the center, that is, on the fourth circuit. of the Universal Father which was: “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect.” We arrive on Havona with perfection of purpose, our faith and our sincerity can no longer be doubted, for we have sometimes shown indomitable courage in the face of difficulties and have even been enthusiastic about our apparent defeats! We must now earn our passport to Paradise: the ability to understand! It is then that the secondary supernaphim will be indispensable to us in this task.
Havona has an intermediate geographical location between the inhabited physical worlds and the paradisiacal spheres of perfection. We can say that Havona opens the doors of eternity (UB 26:4.14). According to its own model, each Master Spirit gave origin to beings capable of helping, through the circuits of the Central Universe, both the Citizens of Paradise and the Pilgrims of time: the Secondary Supernaphim.
It is not without difficulty, without trials, without disappointments that one can land on the shores of Havona, but at this level faith has triumphed over our temporary discouragements and our doubts. Cooperation with the Adjuster was the price we had to pay for evolutionary survival. We have been able to take into account the command of the Universal Father which was: "Be perfect as I am perfect. We arrive on Havona with perfection of purpose, our faith and our sincerity can no longer be doubted because we have sometimes shown indomitable courage in the face of difficulties and we have even been enthusiastic about our apparent defeats! We must now earn our passport to Paradise: the ability to understand! It is then that the secondary supernaphim will be indispensable to us in this task.
On Havona, time is of little importance, but how much will it take us to pass from circuit to circuit? We can have a little idea when we know that the Pilgrim Helpers organize their work on the outer circuit into three major divisions, each comprising 5,880,000 classifications: a lot to do! (UB 26:5.2) However, this is only a sketch of the understanding of the Trinity of Supremacy, the spiritual understanding of the Father-Son association and the intellectual recognition of the Infinite Spirit. It is here that we are able to recognize and clearly understand Master Spirit number seven.
When they judge that our work is finished, that we have been brilliant students, that we are spiritual graduates, the Pilgrim Helpers make us disembark on the pilot world of the sixth circuit to meet the Guides of Supremacy. The Helpers who are very helpful and friendly, stay a little time with us, the time for us to get used to it, but I was told that they do not stay with us on the sixth circle, no more than a million years.
It is from this world, during a round trip to Paradise that we could have entered into communication with the Supreme Being if his personality had emerged in all its power, but unfortunately this still remains impossible. The Perfector of Wisdom who is at the source of booklet 26, however, presumes that the Supreme Divinity has an unrevealed activity because in this circle, each ascending creature seems to undergo a transformative growth, a new integration of consciousness, a new spiritualization of purpose, a new sensitivity to divinity.
When seventy examiners deem that the understanding of the Supreme Being and the Trinity of Supremacy has been satisfied, we may be transferred to the fifth circuit, where we are recognized upon arrival as candidates for the Deity adventure. The Trinity Guides then prepare us intellectually for the recognition of the personality of the Infinite Spirit. Then, from time to time, a trio of higher personalities accompany us on excursions to Paradise which are trial journeys; this trio takes us to where it is possible for us to recognize the personality of the Infinite Spirit.
If we are successful in this venture, the Trinity Guides will put us in contact with the Son Finders on the fourth circuit of Havona, the very place where Grandfanda first met the Paradise Natives. It is on this world that, to this day, ascending and descending Pilgrims are achieving mutual understanding. Starting from the fourth circuit on further excursions to Paradise, we attempt to establish understanding contact with the Eternal Son. The Son Finders help us to differentiate the personality of the Eternal Son from that of the Infinite Spirit; they help us to understand the Son adequately. On this circle there is no longer any examination, but sometimes failure may occur without any valid reason being given. In this case, we are transferred directly to the second circle of Havona (skipping the third circuit with both feet) where for a long age, Counselors and Consultants console us for our disappointment and help us correct our technique of approaching the Deity. Following this long age, they give us a diploma validating our crossing of Havona, then we return with joy to the service of the ascenders in the realms of space for at least a millennium. There, having suffered the great disappointment ourselves, we become skillful comforters for those who struggle and become discouraged. Then, we are once again reincorporated on the circle where we had failed.
But it is very comforting to know that on the second adventure, the same secondary supernaphim always pilot their subjects successfully. Which means that we never fail twice!
This is how they hand us over to the care of the Father’s Guides on the third circuit of Havona. When we reach the Universal Father, the test of time is almost over, we have reached the supremacy of divinity, that is, at the Finite level, we have become perfect. All the potentials that were stored for us in the Trinity of Supremacy have been released!
Trained on the second circuit, on the verge of entering into paradisiacal eternity, we then feel a kind of nostalgia making us want to start all over again! To find our youth again in a way! The Advisors and Consultants begin to prepare us for the great final rest and hand us over to the Rest Complements of the inner circuit. As their name indicates, the latter will share in union with us our last rest, the relaxation of the ages. Towards the end of the stay on the first circle, we meet for the first time on Havona, resplendent with his paradisiacal beauty, a primary supernaphim, child of the Infinite Spirit: the Instigator of Rest who comes to greet us and who completes our preparation for the transitional sleep of the last resurrection. By saying “to God” to him we know that we will see him again on the shores of Paradise.
Thinking about it a little, one might wonder why the text you have just read was written, but especially why revelations concerning such a distant future were distributed to us. Perhaps these pages will have the merit of sharpening the curiosity of the reader who will delve into booklet 26 dealing with the Tutelary Spirits of the Central Universe. If this is the case, a goal, mine, will have been achieved.
Sharpening our curiosity, this is partly what the revelators want for us, it is a service that they render to us, within the Supreme. It is curiosity that pushes us to develop our knowledge and to broaden our concepts. Knowledge is only useful if it leads to a development of the faculties of understanding. The ability to understand is already here below, a passport to Paradise, because from sphere to sphere, our mind is refined and helps us to get closer to God.
Loving God does not necessarily mean telling him “I love you” at every turn. Like all humans, I am not capable of weighing the love I have for him on a scale; I know nothing about my spirituality! What I know, what I am sure of, is that he wanted to put in my hands a Book capable of quenching my thirst for curiosity, of being a precious help to the questions I ask myself. By reading this book regularly, by participating in study groups, by maintaining a sincere friendship with other readers who, like me, are seeking to get closer to the truth, it seems to me that I am already beginning, perhaps clumsily, to do His will. Can we say that doing His will is loving Him?
Jean Claude Romeuf
January 1, 2008