© 2000 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 200 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 13 — Spring 2000 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 13 — Spring 2000 | Melchizedek or the 2nd Revelation |
Winter is here, cold, silvery and magical. Nothing moves under the frost. Only the fairies dance in the frost. Not a sound enters the house. We are going to change years, centuries, millennia. What does it matter! It is a number composed of a two with three zeros. We will have to get used to writing it, that’s all!.. “The days go by, I remain” says the poet.
What could be more pleasant on this cold day than to curl up next to the fireplace, breathing in the haunting but irritated voice of dead wood becoming embers and then ash! The flame slides its ghostly fingers into the meanders of my meditation, mixing it with caramelized sedative scents.
Each civilization has its religion and religion has its beliefs or legends. It is at the same time personal, social, revealed periodically and evolving and it is wrong to want to anchor it in immutable dogmas. In any case it grows at the same time as the truth. However, the truth cannot be sterilized in a jar, neither can religion. The majority of Christians think that since the coming of Jesus, everything has been said, everything is definitively frozen in a creed: it is a shame! How many crimes have been committed in the name of this sacred truth fixed and solidified in ice!. Man is evolving in his thoughts, in his heart and in his spirituality. He is now entering a cosmic era. We must stop thinking in centuries: we are eternal. But the discourse of Plato and the philosophers of times gone by will always remain relevant despite the advancement of society.
According to the myth, it is to Prometheus that we owe fire. He went to steal it from the gods of the sky and obtained nothing but disappointment from the enterprise. The poor man could have avoided a lot of torment if he had known that the fire he went to fetch above his head sparkled within him with divine light.
Let’s not make the same mistake again. By perceiving their own universe only through the material senses, men often forget to look inside themselves with the eyes of the soul. Thus, they do not see, they do not hear the flame that comes alive in them in silence, which warms them and which is the guarantee of their immortality. If everyone vibrated to the crackling of the inner fire that inhabits them, it would be the end of adversity, misery and wars. The world needs us to grow, it would then enter an era of light and life.
One day, our earthly experience over, we will nestle our foreheads under the wings of our angels and we will fly towards Sagittarius, via the summer triangle. Four meteors, symbols of the four horizons that we will leave (the beasts of John’s apocalypse), will be our traveling companions. The brilliant evening stars will light up before us to greet our passage with joy. When the radiant star of dawn, the same one that announced, two thousand years ago, the birth of Jesus, will signal to our guides the end of our journey, we will land on the crystal lake.
Then, like marathon runners going around the stadium at Olympia, we will carry high with our outstretched arms a fire coming directly from the earth and, unlike Prometheus, we will offer it to the sovereigns of Heaven.
One hundred and fifty light years away, we will light the fireplace of our new home with the fire of our love.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 13 — Spring 2000 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 13 — Spring 2000 | Melchizedek or the 2nd Revelation |