© 2001 Jean Davier
© 2001 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
On the evening of the great feast, Jesus, in the midst of immense crowds, cried out:
“Let him who is thirsty come to me, and I will give him living water.”
So slaves, bare hands and feet
Danced for joy on the ruins of the ancient fortress
And yet, how many blue nights
Had exercised their silence in this place.
Radiant entities who had gone before us and read the book
They came to contemplate the party and mingle with us,
They agreed with the intention of persuading us:
We felt their help, their fertile and proud presence.
The time was dawn.
The radiant entities reminded us of the meaning of our journey,
They expressed themselves through their heavenly smile
Who had morning coffee with a light heart
With all our travel companions.
Leave at dawn, now unique, go and tell them:
Slaves are freed from fear,
Their masters are confused in distant planets
Where the eternal deceiver now resides, powerless.
The space will soon be a curtain watching over the sleeping child.
Tell them again:
Space is paternal, spiritual lepers are healed,
The celestial basilica is restored and enlarged,
The crowds will go there in apotheosis.
Tell them again:
The heavenly basilica is in them, is in you.
The spiritually lame walk,
The spiritually blind see,
The spiritually deaf hear.
The Spiritual Kingdom of God
Is not there, close, in the middle or next to you,
The Spiritual Kingdom of God is within you.
Go, be a perfect mirror of the Father and the Master Jesus.
Even the servants with only one talent answered:
We have not lived as if we saw the Invisible,
We have erected a new Talmud,
You left us a Living Truth,
It has become marble after twenty centuries of trampling
On a painful and contradictory path.
We have praised prophets, useless heroes,
We have confused sleep with peace,
We have a few seconds left to live, abyss,
Between betrayal and the tree where Judas' rope hangs.
We must now be humble and teachable,
The rich young man never became great in the kingdom,
Let us be vigilant servants of the Master who will return,
And let us live in fear that He will say to us:
“You are strangers in spirit.”
Every hour you told us “I’m thirsty”
You left us the dawn,
With half-words we created the night.
Even every word is night for the Infinite,
Only your face is a word, reflected there
The incandescent clarity of the Spirit.
From now on let us be watchmen overlooking the city
Who sleeps in animal and happy peace.
Let us realize this dawn of man
Who suddenly takes his sickle and harvests,
This interior harvest of tomorrows revealed by the Father.
Let us announce the Truth multiplied like the loaves,
Fear will become love, sorrow joy, fear confidence,
This will be the finite comprising the Infinite.
The man, who became Lazarus, spiritually resurrected,
Will understand what You said to the Samaritan woman, what You traced in the sand,
Will also include Your Look which frees the accused woman.
We will enter into Your Community, poet of new parables.
We will bear witness even in the face of overwhelming disappointments,
Like at Emmaus two legendary brothers announced your resurrection,
The Invisible Church is not a play on words by the Master,
Through Faith and Love, She will raise us to the heights of Light.
Then, You will give Peace to all forms of life,
You will bring the triumph of knowledge to all our brothers in spirit.
Father, from the source of your Son, we will drink to our fill,
We will pray that everyone can one day join
The joy of the mystics that illuminates Nebadon,
Our prayers will mingle with the voice of the angels,
The painful mystery of suffering flesh
Will be marked with the seal of morontia rebirths.
We will be, warriors of Your Peace,
On Your path, among the fires of stars, To the perfections of Havona....and beyond...
R. and J. Davier
Aix Group