© 2010 Jean Royer
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
I dream of you Rantowoc, near the great seguoias
where on the edge of the Mojave Desert, Colorado,
In Oregon pines, the ochres of Arizona,
The Rockies, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Idaho
Overseas skies from the Pacific
Carry on their foams the scent of snowfields
That in unspeakable days your race, red, heroic
Huma, fleeing Asia, like a raised bison.
Alone and frail precursor of Onamonalonton
Your mind expands, rising towards the Big Dipper
Embracing the universe; and suddenly you shiver
The cosmos is not empty and this immensity
By crossing a circle, reveals its source to you
The first seraph stands at your side.
JR 2000
Jean Royer