© 1996 Jean Yves Vigneron
© 1996 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 3 — Winter 1996 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 3 — Winter 1996 | The Personality |
Drawings created by Jean Yves Vigneron using Windows® “Paint” software — (Texts taken from The Book of URANTIA) (Continuation of the article published in Le Lien No. 2)
THE perfect and divine universe occupies the center of all creation; it is the eternal core around which the vast creations of time and space revolve. Paradise is the gigantic nuclear Isle of absolute stability which rests motionless at the very heart of the magnificent eternal universe. This central planetary family is called Havona and is far-distant from the local universe of Nebadon. It is of enormous dimensions and almost unbelievable mass and consists of one billion spheres of unimagined beauty and superb grandeur, but the true magnitude of this vast creation is really beyond the understanding grasp of the human mind.
This is the one and only settled, perfect, and established aggregation of worlds. This is a wholly created and perfect universe; it is not an evolutionary development. This is the eternal core of perfection, about which swirls that endless procession of universes which constitute the tremendous evolutionary experiment, the audacious adventure of the Creator Sons of God, who aspire to duplicate in time and to reproduce in space the pattern universe, the ideal of divine completeness, supreme finality, ultimate reality, and eternal perfection. (UB 14:0.1-2)
The Paradise-Havona system
From the periphery of Paradise to the inner borders of the seven superuniverses there are the following seven space conditions and motions:
- The quiescent midspace zones impinging on Paradise.
- The clockwise processional of the three Paradise and the seven Havona circuits.
- The semiquiet space zone separating the Havona circuits from the dark gravity bodies of the central universe.
- The inner, counterclockwise-moving belt of the dark gravity bodies.
- The second unique space zone dividing the two space paths of the dark gravity bodies.
- The outer belt of dark gravity bodies, revolving clockwise around Paradise.
- A third space zone—a semiquiet zone—separating the outer belt of dark gravity bodies from the innermost circuits of the seven superuniverses. (UB 14:1.1-8)
The Worlds of Havona
The billion worlds of Havona are arranged in seven concentric circuits which immediately surround the three circuits of the Paradise satellites. There are over thirty-five million of these worlds in the circuit nearest to Paradise. There are over two hundred and forty-five million in the circuit furthest away, and proportionate numbers in the intermediate circuits. Each circuit is different, but all are perfectly balanced and delicately organized…
“Time is not reckoned on Paradise; the sequence of successive events is inherent in the concept of those who are indigenous to the central Isle. But time is germane to the Havona circuits and to numerous beings of both celestial and terrestrial origin sojourning thereon. Each Havona world has its own local time, determined by its circuit. All worlds in a given circuit have the same length of year since they uniformly swing around Paradise, and the length of these planetary years decreases from the outermost to the innermost circuit.” (UB 14:1.11)
The dark gravity bodies.
“On the outskirts of this vast central universe, far out beyond the seventh belt of Havona worlds, there swirl an unbelievable number of enormous dark gravity bodies. These multitudinous dark masses are quite unlike other space bodies in many particulars; even in form they are very different. These dark gravity bodies neither reflect nor absorb light; they are nonreactive to physical-energy light, and they so completely encircle and enshroud Havona as to hide it from the view of even near-by inhabited universes of time and space.” (UB 14:1.14)
The great belt of dark gravity bodies is divided into two equal elliptical circuits by a single intrusion of space. The outer belt rotates clockwise, and the inner belt counterclockwise.
Havona Constitution
“Spirit beings do not dwell in nebulous space; they do not inhabit ethereal worlds; they are domiciled on actual spheres of a material nature, worlds just as real as those on which mortals live. The Havona worlds are actual and literal, albeit their literal substance differs from the material organization of the planets of the seven superuniverses.” (UB 14:2.1)
The materials of Havona consist of exactly one thousand basic chemical elements, plus the balanced function of the seven Havona energy forms. Each of these basic energies manifests seven phases of excitation, so that Havona natives respond to forty-nine different sensation stimuli. In other words, from a purely physical standpoint, the natives of the central universe have at their disposal forty-nine specialized forms of sensation. The morontia senses number seventy, and the reactions of the higher spiritual order vary in different types of beings from seventy to two hundred and ten.
Likewise does the Infinite Spirit draw all intellectual values Paradiseward. Throughout the central universe the mind gravity of the Infinite Spirit functions in liaison with the spirit gravity of the Eternal Son, and these together constitute the combined urge of the ascendant souls to find God, to attain Deity, to achieve Paradise, and to know the Father.
Havona is a spiritually perfect and physically stable universe. The control and balanced stability of the central universe appear to be perfect. Everything physical or spiritual is perfectly predictable, but mind phenomena and personality volition are not. We do infer that sin can be reckoned as impossible of occurrence, but we do this on the ground that the native freewill creatures of Havona have never been guilty of transgressing the will of Deity. Through all eternity these supernal beings have been consistently loyal to the Eternals of Days. Neither has sin appeared in any creature who has entered Havona as a pilgrim. There has never been an instance of misconduct by any creature of any group of personalities ever created in, or admitted to, the central Havona universe. So perfect and so divine are the methods and means of selection in the universes of time that never in the records of Havona has an error occurred; no mistakes have ever been made; no ascendant soul has ever been prematurely admitted to the central universe. (UB 14:2.8-9)
Creatures of the central universe.
There are seven basic forms of living things and beings on the Havona worlds, and each of these basic forms exists in three distinct phases. Each of these three phases is divided into seventy major divisions, and each major division is composed of one thousand minor divisions, with yet other subdivisions, and so on. These basic life groups might be classified as:
- Material.
- Morontial.
- Spiritual.
- Absonite.
- Ultimate.
- Coabsolute.
- Absolute. (UB 14:4.1-8)
“The Havona natives are all the offspring of the Paradise Trinity. They are without creature parents, and they are nonreproducing beings. We cannot portray the creation of these citizens of the central universe, beings who never were created. The entire story of the creation of Havona is an attempt to time-space an eternity fact which has no relation to time or space as mortal man comprehends them. But we must concede human philosophy a point of origin; even personalities far above the human level require a concept of “beginnings.” Nevertheless, the Paradise-Havona system is eternal.” (UB 14:4.10)
“As the worship of the faith sons of the evolutionary worlds ministers to the satisfaction of the Universal Father’s love, so the exalted adoration of the Havona creatures satiates the perfect ideals of divine beauty and truth. As mortal man strives to do the will of God, these beings of the central universe live to gratify the ideals of the Paradise Trinity. In their very nature they are the will of God. Man rejoices in the goodness of God, Havoners exult in the divine beauty, while you both enjoy the ministry of the liberty of living truth.” (UB 14:4.13)
Life in Havona
“On Urantia you pass through a short and intense test during your initial life of material existence. On the mansion worlds and up through your system, constellation, and local universe, you traverse the morontia phases of ascension. On the training worlds of the superuniverse you pass through the true spirit stages of progression and are prepared for eventual transit to Havona. On the seven circuits of Havona your attainment is intellectual, spiritual, and experiential. And there is a definite task to be achieved on each of the worlds of each of these circuits.” (UB 14:5.1)
The regulations of the central universe are fittingly and inherently natural; the rules of conduct are not arbitrary. In every requirement of Havona there is disclosed the reason of righteousness and the rule of justice. And these two factors, combined, equal what on Urantia would be denominated fairness. When you arrive in Havona, you will naturally enjoy doing things the way they should be done.
When intelligent beings first attain the central universe, they are received and domiciled on the pilot world of the seventh Havona circuit. As the new arrivals progress spiritually, attain identity comprehension of their superuniverse Master Spirit, they are transferred to the sixth circle. (It is from these arrangements in the central universe that the circles of progress in the human mind have been designated.) After ascenders have attained a realization of Supremacy and are thereby prepared for the Deity adventure, they are taken to the fifth circuit; and after attaining the Infinite Spirit, they are transferred to the fourth. Following the attainment of the Eternal Son, they are removed to the third; and when they have recognized the Universal Father, they go to sojourn on the second circuit of worlds, where they become more familiar with the Paradise hosts. Arrival on the first circuit of Havona signifies the acceptance of the candidates of time into the service of Paradise. Indefinitely, according to the length and nature of the creature ascension, they will tarry on the inner circuit of progressive spiritual attainment. From this inner circuit the ascending pilgrims pass inward to Paradise residence and admission to the Corps of the Finality. (UB 14:5.3-4)
After attaining a realization of Supremacy, which prepares them for the adventure of Deity, ascenders are taken to the fifth circuit, and when they have attained the Infinite Spirit, they are transferred to the fourth. After attaining the Eternal Son, they are directed to the third, and when they have recognized the Universal Father, they sojourn on the second circuit of worlds, there becoming acquainted with the Paradise multitudes. Arrival on the first circuit of Havona signifies that the candidates of time have been admitted to Paradise service. For an indefinite time, depending upon the length and nature of their creature ascension, they will linger on this inner circuit of progressive spirit attainment. It is from this inner circuit that ascending pilgrims pass to the inner Paradise abode and are admitted to the Corps of the Finality.
The purpose of the central universe
Havona aux sept circuits a des activités immensément étendues. En gros, on peut les décrire comme suit :
- Activités havoniennes
- Activités paradisiaques
- Activités finies-ascendantes-évolutionnaires Suprêmes-Ultimes.
Beaucoup d’activités superfinies s’exercent dans l’univers havonien de l’âge présent, impliquant une incroyable diversité de phases absonites et autres des fonctions mentales et spirituelles. Il est possible que l’univers central serve beaucoup de desseins qui ne me sont pas révélés, car il fonctionne de bien des manières qui dépassent la compréhension du mental créé. Je m’efforcerai néanmoins de décrire comment cette parfaite création contribue à satisfaire sept ordre d’intelligences universelles et pourvoit à leurs besoins. LU 14:6.1-4
- *The Universal Father—*the First Source and Center. God the Father derives supreme parental satisfaction from the perfection of the central creation. He enjoys the experience of love satiety on near-equality levels. The perfect Creator is divinely pleased with the adoration of the perfect creature. (UB 14:6.6)
- *The Eternal Son—*the Second Source and Center. To the Eternal Son the superb central creation affords eternal proof of the partnership effectiveness of the divine family—Father, Son, and Spirit. It is the spiritual and material basis for absolute confidence in the Universal Father. (UB 14:6.12)
- *The Infinite Spirit—*the Third Source and Center. The Havona universe affords the Infinite Spirit proof of being the Conjoint Actor, the infinite representative of the unified Father-Son. In Havona the Infinite Spirit derives the combined satisfaction of functioning as a creative activity while enjoying the satisfaction of absolute coexistence with this divine achievement. (UB 14:6.17)
- *The Supreme Being—*the evolutionary unification of experiential Deity. The Havona creation is the eternal and perfect proof of the spiritual reality of the Supreme Being. This perfect creation is a revelation of the perfect and symmetrical spirit nature of God the Supreme before the beginnings of the power-personality synthesis of the finite reflections of the Paradise Deities in the experiential universes of time and space. (UB 14:6.23)
- The Co-ordinate Creator Sons. Havona is the educational training ground where the Paradise Michaels are prepared for their subsequent adventures in universe creation. This divine and perfect creation is a pattern for every Creator Son. He strives to make his own universe eventually attain to these Paradise-Havona levels of perfection. (UB 14:6.27)
- The Co-ordinate Ministering Daughters. The Universe Mother Spirits, cocreators of the local universes, secure their prepersonal training on the worlds of Havona in close association with the Spirits of the Circuits. In the central universe the Spirit Daughters of the local universes were duly trained in the methods of co-operation with the Sons of Paradise, all the while subject to the will of the Father. (UB 14:6.32)
- The Evolutionary Mortals of the Ascending Career. Havona is the home of the pattern personality of every mortal type and the home of all superhuman personalities of mortal association who are not native to the creations of time.
These worlds provide the stimulus of all human impulses towards the attainment of true spirit values on the highest conceivable reality levels. Havona is the pre-Paradise training goal of every ascending mortal. Here mortals attain pre-Paradise Deity—the Supreme Being. Havona stands before every will creature as the portal to Paradise and God attainment. (UB 14:6.37-38)
Havona will undoubtedly continue to function with absonite significance even during future universe ages which may witness the attempts of space pilgrims to find God on superfinite levels. Havona is capable of serving as an educational universe for absonite beings. It will probably be the final school when the seven superuniverses function as an intermediate school for graduates of the primary schools of outer space. We incline to the view that the potentials of eternal Havona are truly unlimited, that the central universe has the eternal capacity to serve as an experiential educational universe for all types of created beings past, present, and future. UB 14:6.41
(continued from Urantian Link No. 4 — the seven superuniverses)
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 3 — Winter 1996 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 3 — Winter 1996 | The Personality |