© 2009 Johanna Beukers
© 2009 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Self-healing through spiritual means
Without wishing to be unfaithful to the magnificent teachings of the 5th Revelation conceived in the Urantia Book, I feel called to present to you on these pages a worldwide spiritual movement which attracts the inhabitants of our planet to such an extent that its magnitude challenges me. And I would like to share with you some interesting elements which move so much towards spirituality all these people, whether they are Jews, Muslims or Christians.
Conferences are held in countries all over the world. They attract not only people like you and me, but increasingly doctors, therapists and dentists.
What makes these people move so much, if it is not the Pope, to share a few hours or a few days together in dozens of countries on Urantia? What are we all looking for, frankly? Happiness, success, love, obviously, and, “last but not least”, health.
Why do so few humans seem attracted to the study of the teachings of the 5th Revelation? In my humble opinion, there are few men and women, in our current society at least, who have the desire or the time to invest in texts that are so dense, so complex, and, let’s say it, so intellectual. Which is an infinitely regrettable thing. Because, many of us, readers of this Book, have experienced the beneficial effect in our daily lives.
However, the movement I am talking to you about turns towards a particular aspect of faith. It teaches us, thanks to a sincere faith at the base, that we would all be, without exception, capable of self-healing of the most stubborn health problems. How do all these many people achieve this? In groups, or alone, they learn to turn daily towards God, and to let this love, this unlimited spiritual energy, flow through them, which, according to more and more testimonies of success, manifests itself in healing waves and divine energy.
Why do so many doctors around the world want to publicly share this astonishing phenomenon that is impossible to explain by science, and yet happens again and again? It is thanks to a simple and modest man who tried all his life to help sick or ill human beings to the point of turning to God to discover that with His love nothing is impossible, and that God wants to see us in full health and not sick and suffering. This man is called Bruno Groening (1906-1959).
He said: “Love life, love God”. And above all: “Separate yourself in thought from all evil”. Because that is how he described illness. “Believe in good; life is God; God is action”.
I think I have found something complementary to the Urantia Book in this Circle of Friends so committed to the path towards God. Indeed, I attended several meetings in my city where brotherhood and faith reigned in high doses. Four times a year each Friend of this Circle receives a thick newspaper for free with many new testimonies from dozens of countries around the world. Four times a year, 22^{\prime} 000 copies in German, then 26^{\prime} 000 copies translated by volunteers into 30 languages are distributed all over the planet, without subscription, with simply the hope of guiding others towards God and self-healing. Which gives the incredible number of 200,000 newspapers of 75 A4 pages on average per piece and per year.
So where does this momentum come from, this zeal of so many human beings wanting to participate voluntarily to spread the good news to more and more other humans? You have to experience it to believe it! I can assure you that it works, because I was able to personally feel what this divine energy is and what it is capable of improving, even healing, whatever the problem. This is where my enthusiasm comes from for this kind of sharing inspiring so many people healed from sometimes very serious illnesses and who have come closer to God, forming an ever-widening circle of friends full of love and hope.
Would it be unfair of me to talk to you about this phenomenon through the Link? I understand that, as long as we have had experiences that can improve, or even increase, the quality of life for the greatest number, we must talk about them and share them. I will therefore simply allow you to discover for yourself the site of the “Circle of Friends of Bruno Groening” www.bruno-groening.org, where you will find plenty of details. Including the book “Revolution in Medicine” by doctor Matthias Kamp, which I warmly recommend.
It is not a sect; because there is no question of money, nor of subscribers or paying members.
Professor Dr Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) wrote: “I believe that healing by immaterial means, by means of spiritual methods, has before it a future with unsuspected possibilities. I see the dawn of a new age dawning before me.”
Johanna Beukers