© 2012 Johanna Beukers
© 2012 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
“Become the change you wish to see in the world,” said Gandhi.
Why didn’t I know this existed sooner? That was the phrase that ran through my head a year ago after taking an “Art of Breathing” class. The transformation I felt after a 2-day, 2-night class followed by 40 days of exercises was extraordinary.
By learning the Sudarshan Kriya technique, a specific deep breathing technique, I became calmer. I slept better, I got less upset about things that were difficult to change, and I had more energy. In addition, my resistance to illnesses improved because I was the only one in my entire family to get through the winter without a single cold or other physical discomfort.
This breathing technique activates elimination, regulates blood sugar, cholesterol, prolactins, cortisol (stress hormone), brain electrical activity. It produces antioxidants that slow down aging, regulates weight, lightens the skin and strengthens the immune system. I shared my discovery with everyone. Because, I was sure, if the whole world discovered the Art of Living, there would be less aggression and less intolerance. What surprised me most was the fact that the Art of Living Foundation had already existed for 30 years. And that it was active in 157 countries around the world. Millions of human beings participate voluntarily in this humanitarian organization. In addition to numerous courses — from yoga to meditation, or Ayurvedic cooking — there are hundreds of large and small projects that deal with education, health, and the fight against poverty. Their keyword: a better world for every human being. Then a world without stress and without violence.
This is the goal that the Indian founder Sri Ravi Shankar (1956) has set for himself since his early childhood. His eternal message has always been: “Our most essential basic duty is to be of service to the world.”
What is Sudarshan Kriya? It seems so simple: breathe a few times very deeply, then your whole life will change… But, what has been scientifically proven is that Sudarshan Kriya has an effect on all cells down to the deepest level. 90% of all diseases have their origin in stress; and stress causes blockages in our body. By breathing correctly we make these blockages disappear. Our breathing is supposed to be responsible for 80% of eliminating emotional and physical poisonous waste. However, it is unfortunate to note that we breathe superficially most of the time by using only 30% of our lung capacity. The Sudarshan Kriya technique allows us to eliminate this waste to rejuvenate our cells.
The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in India examined the effects of Sudarshan Kriya. Based on measurements of the active frequencies of the brain, it was found that people applying this technique achieved a remarkably higher state of consciousness. The Art of Living is not a religious movement. The idea behind this foundation is to bring together human beings from all walks of life, from all cultural traditions to celebrate life together. The Art of Living Foundation has a specific advisory position at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It participates in various committees and activities in the field of health, education, sustainable development, conflict management, disaster intervention and trauma relief.
A course “The Art of Breathing”, as mentioned in this article will take place from March 16 to 18, 2012 in Sanary-surMer. Information from: Edith and Henri Coniglio, Art of Living trainers in the PACA region. coniglio@club.fr, Tel.: 0442-575236; 0632-912191. For more information: www.aolresearch.org, www.artofliving.org and www.artdevivre.fr.
Johanna Beukers