© 2020 Joshua J. Wilson
© 2020 The Urantia Book Fellowship
by Bro. Joshua J. Wilson
August 18, 2020
The angels of progress are incessant laborers for that which ought to be. The religious guardians (angels of the churches) are earnest contenders for that which is and has been. These two angelic corps are playing out cooperatively the enterprise of the ages on our planet.
Progress is the watchword or theme of the universe. Many of us wonder why there isn’t more progress to be seen at this time. But the greater problem in this new twenty-first century is rather the “dangerous velocities of progress.” (UB 118:8.6)
Social progress and religious conservatorship are both continuously in motion. They balance each other. One gets to move, then the other. If social culture advances overfast, the two main brakes are time itself, and the checkmate by the religious guardians.
- The religious guardians. These are the “angels of the churches,” the earnest contenders for that which is and has been. They endeavor to maintain the ideals of that which has survived for the sake of the safe transit of moral values from one epoch to another. They are the checkmates of the angels of progress, all the while seeking to translate from one generation to another the imperishable values of the old and passing forms into the new and therefore less stabilized patterns of thought and conduct. UB 114:6.7
In three dimensional, multi-dimensional, or twelve-dimensional chess (we have twelve seraphic corps of celestial planetary governance) a temporary checkmate on one plane can move the focus of action vertically to a different level for a time. And then the process continues divinely and fascinatingly, all lovingly for our welfare.
This is where the revelation of the Urantia papers and its people come in. If you want to see the social enlightenment that the progress angels are fostering, then the best thing you can do is vigorously lift up the religious life and teachings of Jesus. If planetary spiritual development is outstripped by materialism (our current problem), then the solution for releasing our culture for further progress is to quickly provide better revelatory foundations for that progress to stand upon. Otherwise, what we now think of as our advanced technological society will go backward instead of forward. I am sorry to report that. But at the same time I’m an unwavering optimist and I hope you are, too. Like Jesus, I believe that the whole universe is working for our betterment, and I will not be dissuaded.
The slowness of evolution, of human cultural progress, testifies to the effectiveness of that brake-material inertia-which so efficiently operates to retard dangerous velocities of progress. Thus does time itself cushion and distribute the otherwise lethal results of premature escape from the nextencompassing barriers to human action. For when culture advances overfast, when material achievement outruns the evolution of worship-wisdom, then does civilization contain within itself the seeds of retrogression; and unless buttressed by the swift augmentation of experiential wisdom, such human societies will recede from high but premature levels of attainment, and the “dark ages” of the interregnum of wisdom will bear witness to the inexorable restoration of the imbalance between self-liberty and self-control. UB 118:8.6
- The progress angels. These seraphim are intrusted with the task of initiating the evolutionary progress of the successive social ages. They foster the development of the inherent progressive trend of evolutionary creatures; they labor incessantly to make things what they ought to be. The group now on duty is the second to be assigned to the planet. UB 114:6.6
The progress angels as a group arrived on our world May 18, 30 AD at the time of the outpouring of the Spirit of Truth (cf. UB 114:6.1). Since that time there have been several periods of enlightening social evolution and spiritual revivals. The most remarkable progressive period has been in our lifetimes. This amazing era of progress has been observed especially since the 1920s when the Urantia papers began to appear. We see a sharp upward improvement worldwide in all the following areas:
You may study this thrilling recital through the graphs, charts, facts, and details presented in Stephen Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now, and Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist, and my essay “Our World Just Plunged Into a Most Amazing Period of Social and Spiritual Enlightenment: Did You Miss It?” The essay is available by writing to me at musical@cox.net.
Is there someone, please, who can interject a loving fatherly hand onto the board?
Yes. The Resident Governor general oversees these angelic corps for the most part, but the Vorondadek Observer (Most High) during times of planetary crisis has and can again exercise absolute authority.
On those worlds segregated in spiritual darkness, those spheres which have, through rebellion and default, suffered planetary isolation, an observer Vorondadek is usually present pending the restoration of normal status. In certain emergencies this Most High observer could exercise absolute and arbitrary authority over every celestial being assigned to that planet. UB 35:5.6
The Most Highs are supernal beings who hail from the center of our constellation, which comprises many planets and systems of planets. They are of the Vorondadek order and are direct offspring, children, of Christ Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit. “Vorondadek” means “very fatherlike.” One such individual came to reside on Earth as an observer about 200,000 years ago at the time of the Caligastia betrayal, according to The Urantia Book. UB 43:5.17
The prophet Daniel and other seers recognized the Most Highs as having rulership. When Machiventa Melchizedek visited our planet he called himself “a priest of the Most High” in recognition of this resident Vorondadek observer, actually a brother of his.
As an observer, the Most High does not involve himself with general governance except in serious emergencies of nation life on our world, and this has happened only about 33 times in the history of Earth. Somewhere between the two poles of “evolution just carries on” and “God intervenes all the time” is the fact that in serious world crises a plan is in place to ensure that the forward motion of progress continues.
Vorondadeks are, shall we say, cunning. They are selective, wise, and fully adept at taking the helm of a constellation, a system, and certainly one planet when a crisis calls for it. At such pivotal times, the Vorondadek steps forward from his observer status and becomes the regent, the ruler of all ministering personalities and administrators on the planet except the Archangels, who are not involved in such circumstances because they attend mostly to purely spiritual matters, not material ones.
We are privy to the fact that such an intervention took place during the life of Abraham. Melchizedek was the teacher, guide, and priest to Abraham, who was counseled during the earlier militaristic period of his life to not engage in offensive military adventures. But Abraham, who had kingly aspirations, was intent on going to battle against neighboring tribes. There were, no doubt, several battles in which Abraham put himself and his men in jeopardy. On one occasion Abraham and his army engaged the enemy despite the warning. Melchizedek went out to dissuade him, but only caught up with him as Abraham was returning from the battle, victorious. By some means, Melchizedek was aware of the relations between the Vorondadek and Abraham, as we read here:
When Machiventa Melchizedek ministered in semi material form on Urantia, he paid respectful homage to the Most High observer then on duty, as it is written, “And Melchizedek, king of Salem, was the priest of the Most High.” Melchizedek revealed the relations of this Most High observer to Abraham when he said, “And blessed be the Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” UB 43:5.17
Can you imagine the upset in Melchizedek’s mission, the detour in the history of the world, and the plight of the Abrahamic religions if an enemy sword had met with Abraham, killing him on one of those battlefields? This was quite possibly one of those 33 or so instances when the Most High stepped in to “rule in the kingdoms of men.”
Our world, in the absence of a resident Planetary Prince, is governed by a trio comprising the Resident Governor General (one of the 24 counselors, on rotating assignment here), the Chief of Archangels, and the Most High Observer (a Vorondadek son). When the Most High must swing into action, he rules chiefly through the seraphim. We have in our seraphic planetary government a corps known as the angels of nation life, or the “angels of the trumpets.” If the Vorondadek observer instructs them and/or the human Reserve Corps of Destiny, or any of the twelve corps of master seraphim to intervene in nation life, they can and will do so, with full effectiveness.
Only unthinking men and women become panicky regarding the safety and high destiny of our world. Progress may be often delayed, but it cannot be stopped.
The plan, the divine blueprint, for our lives and our world is on the move. Our civilization’s ship is launched onto the high seas of destiny. No one may, in the final analysis, sit on his haunches or rest on her laurels, blithely calling, “Thy will be done.” Even if we try to do so, another decision demanding our attention will confront us. Even the Vorondadek keeps busy working daily as counselor to the race commissioners while he also watches and waits on observation duty. The universe economy always has a job for each of us to do. Rest and renewal are good and necessary. But inaction and procrastination, though they may be pastimes for mortals, are unknown in celestial life. We are on the brink of enthralling worldwide change, apparent on every hand. And there are bona fide spiritual revivals that occur from time to time. I am quite sure that our personal seraphic guardian angels, the seraphic government, and the midwayers perform amazing exploits every day in looking after our welfare, many of which we are unaware. If something big comes up (and it will), be assured . . . the Vorondadek rules!
No doubt every occupation and profession touches upon the work of the progress angels. But surely if you are a teacher, counselor, writer, parent, artist, social worker, social activist, or family helper you are participating in social progress. Why not give this corps a “hello” and then wait quietly in meditation for insight.
Joshua J. Wilson is a father, musician, pastoral counselor, and essayist who writes on historical and scientific subjects harmonizing science, philosophy and religion.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Decision Information Systems, specializing in Human Behavior in Organizations, and certificates in Not-for-Profit Management and Active Parenting Instruction.
Hobbies include camping and hiking.
Email contact: musical@cox.net