© 2001 Séverin Desbuisson, Jean Royer, Jeanmarie Chaise, Georgia Gecht, Dominique Ronfet, Bernard Dugas, Claude Castel
© 2001 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Whether we are on this side of the Atlantic or on the other continent, a page of our history has just turned. Something has broken in the fragile balance of peoples and religions, and yet, evolution is underway, no one can prevent it. I have the feeling that today, all around me, many are redoubling their efforts to arouse love rather than hate, courage rather than immobility, perseverance rather than despondency. I recognize the seriousness of the facts and envisage the weight of their consequences, but even more, I imagine the questioning and the lasting positive effects that these events could have on each of us. The teachings of The Urantia Book are truly relevant today because they testify to the inevitabilities of the long evolutionary road of man and civilization, while directing us towards the advanced ages of Light and Life.
Happy reading, happy traveling,
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
The oldest inhabited world of Satania, world number one, is Anova, one of the forty-four satellites revolving around an enormous dark planet but exposed to the differential light of three neighboring suns. Anova is in an advanced stage of progressive civilization. (UB 49:0.5)
What does this mean?
In my opinion, this means that he has reached the seventh stage of light and life.
For what ?
Jean Royer
Mortal man may draw near God and may repeatedly forsake the divine will so long as the power of choice remains. Man’s final doom is not sealed until he has lost the power to choose the Father’s will. There is never a closure of the Father’s heart to the need and the petition of his children. Only do his offspring close their hearts forever to the Father’s drawing power when they finally and forever lose the desire to do his divine will—to know him and to be like him. Likewise is man’s eternal destiny assured when Adjuster fusion proclaims to the universe that such an ascender has made the final and irrevocable choice to live the Father’s will. (UB 5:1.11)
Before we came to know the Revelation, did we know that we had a choice between doing the will of God or rejecting this divine proposal? Yes, we knew it more or less, but to a certain extent we could refuse to believe it or even refuse to think about it. Those who are ignorant of the existence of The Urantia Book are in that state where innocence is a temporary protection, a blind way of postponing choice. But the Revelation opens the eyes of consciousness, and we become more and more eager to know as we no longer fear learning too much. It is the awakening of consciousness, the awakening of real faith, that state in which “the mind must find itself in that awkward situation of always knowing less than it can believe.”
Jeanmarie Chair
Here are the first 70:
The mastery of the cosmic circles is related to the quantitative growth of the morontia soul, the comprehension of supreme meanings. But the qualitative status of this immortal soul is wholly dependent on the grasp of living faith upon the Paradise-potential fact-value that mortal man is a son of the eternal God. Therefore does a seventh circler go on to the mansion worlds to attain further quantitative realization of cosmic growth just as does a second or even a first circler. (UB 110:6.18)
The Seven Main Divisions of Universal Energy
Questions and Answers
By Georgia Gecht
Santa Monica, California, 1968
Translation by Chris and Nicole Ragetly August 2001.
A new section to invite you to share with everyone a piece of music, a book, a painting, etc., in short any “artistic” type experience that will shed light in a non-intellectual way on an aspect of each person’s ideal, a moment in their journey, in their search for God, for themselves.
I am tempted to speak here of a “mental” experience, in the sense of the definition of it in the Introduction:
Dominique Ronfet
You, heart of my body, Flame
Who weaves my thoughts with your Truth
To bind me to you by building my Soul
You thus offer me all of Eternity
Bernard Dugas
This correction is included in every new book sold, but for those who have already purchased this Book, here are some corrections that should be taken into account:
Claude has made a study (adults and children) entitled “The True Story of Christmas”: 12 A4 pages with diagram and photos (photocopies of photos). He proposes to send it free of charge to all those who request it.
Contact the AFLUB office.
The next meeting in France is scheduled for the end of winter. We preferred to cancel the October meeting to make way for a single meeting to address the actions related to the 2002 international conference, to hold our general assembly and to meet in a fraternal atmosphere.
I will let you discover in a few weeks the invitations that will be sent to you on this subject and invite you from now on to join us for this event.
The Urantia Book, hardcover, 18 x 25 format | 327.00 F inc. VAT |
The Urantia Book, soft cover, 15 x 20 format | 190.00 F incl. VAT |
The Urantia Book on CD-ROM | 146.00 F incl. VAT |
The veil is lifted | 69.50 F incl. VAT |
Journey to the heart of a child | 59.00 F incl. VAT |
A study of the Master Universe | 89.50 F incl. VAT |
Appendices to a Study of the Master Universe | 120.00 F incl. VAT |
A study + Appendices | 195.00 F incl. VAT |
A few copies of the Urantia Book with visual defects are available for 100.00 F including tax.
For the various translations of The Urantia Book, contact Urantia France SA at 0156933510.
Shipping at the most economical postal rate — cartons (10 L.U. soft cover or 5 L.U. hard cover) are delivered postage free.
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E-mail: afllu@wanadoo.fr
Web: www.urantia.org/france