© 2003 Séverin Desbuisson, John Lehee, Jean Royer, Georges and Marlène Michelson-Dupont, Joseph Le Dain, Séverin Desbuisson, Dominique Ronfet, Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2003 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
After a year 2002 still strongly marked by the international meeting of this summer, this spring of 2003 is, for me, a sign of renewal.
First of all I would like to wish “bon voyage” to Jacques Dupont, one of our most experienced and intrepid readers who just left his earthly body a few weeks ago.
Next, I would like to inform you of the closure of the Foundation’s office in Montreuil due to budgetary restrictions. The headquarters of the association is currently unchanged, and the distribution of books to both individuals and bookstores is still assured.
Finally, I would like to remind you of the holding of the national French-speaking conference of readers of the Urantia Book in a few days at Notre Dame des Lumières. This meeting will be above all a fraternal encounter for readers. It will also allow, during the general assembly on Sunday morning, to discuss the past, present and future situation of our association by deciding on its orientations and electing a new board.
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
The Urantia Book conveys a great deal of scientific information. This data is often very specific and it is interesting to compare it with the claims of current science.
On some sites on the Internet, some people claim that the Fifth Epochal Revelation sometimes contains errors in its scientific expositions.
Regarding these developments, the Revealers tell us:
Because your world is generally ignorant of the origin of things, even physical ones, it has seemed wise to provide it, from time to time, with notions of cosmology, but this has always caused trouble for the future. The laws governing revelation greatly inconvenience us, because they forbid the transmission of unmerited or premature knowledge. Any cosmology presented as part of a revealed religion is destined to be superseded after a very short time. Consequently, those who study, after the fact, this revelation are tempted to reject any element of authentic religious truth that it may contain, because they discover manifest errors in the associated cosmologies presented therein.
Humanity should understand that we who are engaged in the revelation of truth are most strictly limited by the instructions of our superiors. We are not free to anticipate the scientific discoveries of a millennium. Revelators must act upon the instructions which form a part of the command to reveal. We see no way of overcoming this difficulty, either in the present or in any future. The historical facts and religious truths of this series of revelatory expositions will endure in the annals of the ages to come, but at the same time we are well aware that within a few years many of our statements concerning the physical sciences will need to be revised as a result of additional scientific developments and new discoveries. We anticipate these new developments now, but we are forbidden to include in our revelatory expositions those notions which men have not yet discovered. Let it be made clear that revelations are not necessarily inspired. The cosmology revealed here is not inspired. It is limited by the permission we have to coordinate and sort knowledge today. Divine or spiritual insight is a gift, but human wisdom must evolve. UB 101:4.1
One might think that we should not take the scientific explanations of the heavenly Authors literally and that we should avoid, for example, doing as fundamentalist Christians do who read the biblical book of Genesis literally.
John Lehee
Are we really sure, as Shakespeare wrote, that Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise? Curiously, one of the most sympathetic aspects of the Urantia Book is the affirmation of the ignorance of the revelators; temporary ignorance or definitive ignorance. Thus, I noted 9 occurrences of the expression “I do not know” (there are others but they are part of common human language).
A Divine Counselor tells us, speaking of the Stationary Sons of the Trinity: I do not know what their final number will be, but I can state that at the time of the last periodic report to Uversa, the Paradise records stated that there were 21,001,624,821 in service.
Jean Royer
(well helped, it is true, by a Divine Counselor and a Perfector of Wisdom)
On Thursday, February 20, Jacques Dupont, my father and also your friend, left this world for the next, thus beginning his career leading to eternity.
My wife and I had long conversations with him about how he wanted to go through this experience of physical death with dignity, serenity and simplicity. His wish was to give his body to science and to leave the earthly scene discreetly, without ceremony or farewells. He regarded his transfer as an expected and desired transition, as an important event in his cosmic career, something both joyful and liberating.
Today, I pay tribute to his physical courage, his intellectual vigor, his spiritual faith, and the selfless and stubborn service he accomplished for the dissemination of the teachings of the Urantia Book in the French-speaking world.
Many of us found in him a sincere, comforting friend, with good advice and always ready to help.
Let us therefore greet his departure without sadness or regret, and rejoice in knowing that he is a new morontia citizen of the mansion worlds.
Georges and Marlène Michelson-Dupont
A few weeks ago we received bad news - Jacques was very ill. Often, as we approach the final departure of a loved one, we feel remorse for not having visited him, for not having fraternized with him enough, for not having done everything we should have done, in short, for not having done what Jesus would have done…
Personally, faced with this news, I did not know what to do, but Severin had the idea of visiting him to be able to write an article after his departure. An appointment was made and on February 24, 2001, we went to Recloses. No doubt he had something to say, a last message for his brothers who continue their work on earth.
Joseph Le Dain and Severin Desbuisson
I dedicate this text to the memory of Jacques Dupont who has left us.
Have a good trip, Jacques.
Common sense. Know how to find and cultivate your common sense.
This sentence coming from our masters and given the resurrected situation in which we found ourselves made us smile.
It was probably intended to stifle the recurring anxieties of some with a touch of humor as much as wisdom.
In fact, the most difficult period was finding a balance in our new state.
Dominique Ronfet
This is of course a symbolic journey. The car is a 606 (Urantia number) and the movement is done according to the numerical value of the departments, 24 (Satania number), 70 (Norlatiadek number), 84 (Nebadon number), 3 (Ensa number), 5 (Splandon number) and finally 7 (Orvonton number)
All who solved the riddle won a stay of one millennium of standard time on superuniverse No. 1 *
* Subject to prior admission to the Corps of Mortals of the Finality.
Jean Royer
Words of love
Are murmurs and sighs,
Lips wet with desire.
Words of love,
It’s dust and wind
Flying away by magic
To infinity.
Words of love
Are lights and voices
That we surprise deep inside ourselves.
Words of love,
It’s a smile, a tender look,
A call that we do not know how to hear
And who drowns.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
Location: Le Grand Beau-Feu, 12 km from Saint-Brieuc
French group: every Monday from 10 a.m. to noon
English group: every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon
Contact: Claire and Henk Mylanus, 02 96 76 70 25 and 06 82 62 30 48
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