© 2003 Séverin Desbuisson, Jeanmarie Chaise, Ivan Stol, Anne and Thierry Lepage, Dominique Neveu, Héléna Dessoubret, Christine Baussain
© 2003 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 26 — Summer 2003 | Material Time — Morontia Time — Spiritual Time - “The Importance of Time According to The Urantia Book” |
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
The meeting at the end of April, organized in the pleasant Notre Dame des Lumières hotel, allowed us, once again, to enjoy a moment of sharing and fraternal exchanges.
Like the AFLUB 7 years ago, new national associations of readers with more than 30 members have recently been created on the American continent: these are Mexico and Brazil (southern cone). The AFLUB welcomes these young associations that are joining the IUA (International Urantia Organization).
It is always comforting and stimulating to check that the fifth revelation is indeed on its way, even if the path is long, slow and sometimes seems particularly winding. Thus, I think that you will be sensitive to the new initiative of placing books in libraries and bookstores described in this issue. I hope that other projects will continue to see the light of day soon.
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
The Urantia Book teaches us that in Paradise neither time nor space exist. (UB 0:1.13) On the other hand, we experience that in inhabited universes such as ours, time and space are unthinkable without each other. This is what can undoubtedly be called the transcendence of time and space. This double transcendence of time and space in Paradise therefore has as its corollary the double immanence of time and space in the universes outside Paradise. God needs neither time nor space, while man cannot do without either. It seems to be the same in all the universes of space and time and from earth to Havona and to the seven spheres of the Father. Everywhere, time is time, space is space, both embellished with spatial and temporal measurements, which keeps the Chronoldeks, Frandalanks and other Importances of Time busy.
Jeanmarie Chair
There is a little theory of my own about the proof of God’s existence that I would like to share.
Indeed it is often said that it is impossible to prove the existence of GOD among scientists.
However, there is no need to prove it scientifically because simple reasoning allows it to be done.
The scientist looks at the world in the wrong way, which prevents him from seeing what is obvious.
Ivan Stol
We arrived this morning, April 26, at Notre Dame des Lumières, which is hosting a national meeting of readers of the Urantia Book organized by the AFLUB. The place, with its inspiring name, is magnificent: the presence of a cloister, a chapel and religious statues gives the place a serene atmosphere. In addition, its location in a very calm natural setting encourages meditation.
This is the first time we have attended this type of meeting. How many of us will there be? What are the other participants like? What are we going to do? Many questions are rushing through our minds.
Anne and Thierry Lepage
I want a buddy, an accomplice, a friend…, that he is happy, that we are happy together, fulfilled, alive, true, dynamic, new…, that it is simple, real, joyful…
I know he is there, deep in my heart, like a little flower standing courageously and waiting…
Who is waiting for what?
That I am Me, Him…
Who awaits my good will, my connection, a look, a conviction…
He wants it so much…
Dominique Neveu
At twenty, love disappointed me because
that my trust had been betrayed.
But love was not guilty,
It was only a merchant’s fault
of dreams.
At twenty, I refused God because
the Church had betrayed my trust and
my expectations.
But God was not guilty.
It was only the merchants’ fault
of prayers.
One day a friend introduced me to
The Urantia Book.
I trusted life again
and I see since then, in my heart, this
light that protects me from darkness
and which serves as a beacon to those who are in
the shadow.
I chose Tharadis and God gave me
eternity to get there.
Location: Le Grand Beau-Feu, 12 km from Saint-Brieuc
French group: every Monday from 10 a.m. to noon
English group: every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon
Contact: Claire and Henk Mylanus, 0296767025 and 0682623048
I am submitting to the readers of the Link a project intended for those wishing to get involved in an idea of humanitarian evolution.
Here is what it consists of: In order that The Urantia Book may be available in the greatest number of libraries, we ask for your financial contribution, in order to purchase Urantia Books at low prices, intended to furnish the shelves of neighborhood libraries, schools, universities, prisons…
Thanks to you, and for a small fee, the teaching of the revelation will be available in all circles. Thus, the bearer of the message of the Fifth Revelation is a book. It is a medium that requires a share of decision and will on the part of the one who wants to study it.
I believe that The Urantia Book has a place in every library, just as other recognized religions and philosophies have their place as educators. The teachings of The Urantia Book can thus be made available to the greatest number of people, and thus its concepts can be better made known to all.
Your donations, whatever they may be, must be sent directly to the AFLUB headquarters and made payable to AFFUB (please note on the back of the check “library donation” to avoid any confusion.): As an indication, these books cost around 15 euros, or 50% of the normal price + 6.4 euros for postage.
48, rue Douy Delcupe, 93100 \text { Montreuil sous Bois, France,
tel: 00.33(0) — fax: 00.33.(0)
E-mail: afllu@wanadoo.fr
We propose to keep you informed once a year, through the Link, of the use of the funds thus collected and the results obtained.
We also call on volunteers who wish to help us place the books thus acquired in all the places concerned. They should make themselves known to the AFLUB, by any means convenient to them.
If you have any ideas regarding this project, please let us know and the Link will take care of passing them on to us.
Thank you to all of you who support us in this endeavor.
Helena Dessoubret
You are a devotee of The Urantia Book, and you know it well. You would be able to explain certain aspects, certain concepts, to a non-reader or a beginner. Perhaps you are even a specialist in a field (scientific, historical, sociological, etc.) that you know particularly well, and that you manage to connect in an interesting and new way to the teachings of the book.
You are wanted!
The future encyclopedic dictionary of the Urantia Book is in gestation. Authors, artists, researchers, documentarians — all collaborations are welcome. To participate, or even just to inquire, call Christine at 068204 8156, who will guide you.
I subscribe to the Link:
For the year: €16
Price of the issue: €4
I subscribe to the French version of the I.U.A. Journal:
For the year: €16
Or, I subscribe to the A.F.L.L.U of which I become a member. This contribution automatically includes the subscription to the Link and to the French version of the Journal of the I.U.A.
For the year: €46
I wish to receive information concerning the Foundation
To the order of A.F.L.L.U.
48, rue Douy Delcupe — 93110 Montreuil sous Bois
(Line n9 — Station: “Croix de Chavaux”)
Such. : 00.33(0) 00.33(0)
E-mail: afllu@wanadoo.fr
Web: www.urantia.org/france
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 26 — Summer 2003 | Material Time — Morontia Time — Spiritual Time - “The Importance of Time According to The Urantia Book” |