© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
God is all love and goodness. He is all mercy and all charity.
Man, who sees only the formless sketches, beginnings of pure and splendid works, you cannot judge His Love. But if you could surprise the voice of majestic twilights, the divine lullaby of serene and radiant evenings, the suave and plaintive melody exhaled by the great woods, if you could, I tell you, hear the eternal hymn, you would only grasp an ineffable loving murmur, the sea, itself, this cruel sorceress, in the midst of its heartbreaking sobs, tirelessly spells out the word love to the foaming reefs…
And it is this entire Love that flows over beings. Tragic and beautiful Love. Tragic: by the eternity of its attractive power; beautiful: by its invigorating and regenerating radiance. Man, what would you be without the Love that makes you good, while Faith makes you great?
What would you be without the divine flame? - An imprecise, incoherent and troubled form sinking into the egoism of a definitive stop. At least once in your painful life you feel the star of stars penetrating you; at least once, at some crossroads of your earthly existence, you feel your inner vibrations beating in unison with the astral vibrations. Your attractive force is increased and is exerted on other vibrations attracted by your radiance. And it is ecstasy on earth when there is complete fusion of the confused vibrations. Oh! Love, it is all God eternally.
What would Power have done without Love? What would the brain do without the heart? O almighty breath! Breath of the “unanimous Being” which fills the lungs of souls and inflates them with grandiose voluptuousness!.. Ultimate beating of the divine arteries across the magnified expanses!.. Almighty Hymen of Power and Goodness, indestructible in its essence and which imprints on its multiplied descendants the double rhythm of its attributes! In the sky, this Ocean of God, love exalts itself and becomes divinized. All the flames, all the rays shine under its dazzling clarity.
The stars, those golden eyes, contemplate themselves with delight behind the clouds… The suns send them languid and perfidious arrows while the royal Zenith despairs of not reaching the Nadir. The word “Love” is everywhere, even in the frightening whiteness of the solitary poles.
He is everywhere… and for us, spirits, he is the extension of beings. He is the mysterious thread that binds destinies, plans to plans, universes to universes, creations to creations.
It is the materialized form of memory, the exaltation of thought that it concretizes; finally it remains the forgetfulness of self in the desire for the other. It is the ardent sacrifice in its thirst to give. It is the eternal holocaust, the powerful desire that dreams of UNITY in a complete absorption.
O profound mystery of the heart of God! If I respect your eternally satisfied ecstasy, I aspire to come and taste your soothing sweetness…
Man, my brother, if I come down to you to bring the light, if I still suffer the horror of dark places and the hideous egoism of crowds, it is because in the vibrating space, I have warmed myself to the pure rays; it is because in me beats the strange love which makes one love one’s brother more than oneself, in order to rise towards HIM!
Extract from the book “The Tomb Speaks” 1932
Edgar Cayce