© 2015 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
On June 20, 2015 at 2:30 p.m., members of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book met at the La Neylière estate for an extraordinary general assembly, convened by President Ivan Stol.
Agenda :
Presentation and votes of the extraordinary general meeting for deliberations of the following resolutions:
With no further deliberations on the agenda, the discussion is finally open.
Election of the Executive Board
The assembly votes by show of hands and reappoints the executive board in its entirety. For the record:
a/ Evolution of readership
Since 2012, we have lost 15 members for various reasons, family, death, money, distance to go to a study group.
This year 2014-2015 we have lost another 11 members and among these members there are our regional intermediaries from Brittany, Henk and Claire Mylanus. I have no information about the people present in their study group.
Personally, I also regret that our editor-in-chief, Guy de Viron, has ceased his activities. He was the one who was responsible for making our Link pleasant for 7 years. Georges Michelson-Dupont has offered to replace him. We have no news from Elisabeth Grosset-Magagne who was a member of the CA. She no longer responds to our emails.
Regarding reader donations:
In 2014, readers gave 5,930 euros and in 2015 donations amounted to 3,850 euros as of June 30.
b/ Study groups
The Burgundy study group, at Octavie’s, no longer exists because some Swiss people no longer wanted to travel.
The Landes study group no longer exists either because the couple Michel Denise Piers Deriew moved to Belgium and no one has taken up the torch.
We therefore have 8 groups left, divided as follows:
1. group in Paris; 1 group in Seine & Marne; 1 in Brittany; 1 in Pays de la Loire; 3 in PACA, Avignon, Var and Marseille and 1 in Switzerland.
As for the Marseille group, it is still growing a little. We regularly have between 11 and 13 participants and our meetings are held every first Saturday of the month.
In 2012, I only had 10 contacts:
2. in Paris, 1 in Argenteuil, 1 Languedoc Roussillon, 1 in Lorraine, 1 Midi-Pyrénées and 3 in PACA — Marseille. These last people attend our study groups and were introduced to us by Georges Donnadieu. Concerning these visits, I don’t really feel the return.
Concerning the readership of Switzerland and France, we are currently 53 members of which 2 are couple members and 3 subscribers to the Link + the IUA.
More positively and on the initiative of our president, we have held several fairs in various cities. Some readers like Tor and his partner Susy as well as Johanna and myself, have also held the stand to help. These fairs have proven positive and we have had many contacts, around a hundred, as well as several book sales. The 10 books that Ivan had bought have all been sold.
Concerning our site, I will let Tor speak and explain how it works and the number of visits. Our A.F.L.L.U. association has several websites, including:
http://www.urantia.fr/ and http://forum.urantia.fr/
1. http://www.urantia.fr/ contains the entire Urantia Book, to download or consult online, as well as various information on our association and our relations with the Urantia Foundation and U.A.I. (Urantia Association International). You will also find Links to several other interesting sites.
This site has existed since 2009 with a very stable traffic of around 40 to 60 visits per day. It will probably be modernized at the end of 2015.
The current version is not suitable for mobile phones.
2. http://forum.urantia.fr/ The forum also has a very stable attendance of around 30 visits per day. It is however regrettable that so few members of the A.F.L.L.U. participate in the forum. Most of the exchanges are made by non-members. The forum has around 50 members. Currently, we count several messages per week. The main thing is to have a presence on the Internet. We also have other sites under construction and reconstruction.
Urantia Foundation has published a new edition/revision of The Urantia Book. It is presented in a slightly enlarged and more readable format, with the pagination remaining the same as the old Books.
You can download or view the new 2014 edition/revision here (A single 10MB PDF file):
a. Corrections to the statutes.
Following a vote by secret ballot and by mail, we received 17 responses concerning the rectification of the statutes.
Concerning the 14 members present at the meeting, the vote of the participants confirms and accepts the corrections to the statutes.
b. Elimination of the board of directors.
Following a vote by secret ballot and by mail, we received 17 responses concerning the abolition of the board of directors. Concerning the 14 members present at the meeting, the vote of the participants also confirms and accepts the abolition of the board of directors.
See the article entitled “Editorial charter of the Link”
Various discussions concerning the smooth running of the association.
The assembly decides to continue AFLUB’s participation in regional trade fairs by renewing the same budget as the previous year.
No further discussion is on the agenda. The meeting ends at 7 p.m.
Administrative supplies | 48€ | Contributions | 3780 € |
Printing Services | €1359 | Donations | 2940€ |
Trade fairs | €1125 | Member meetings benefits | €252 |
Postage costs | €1144 | ||
Foundation Donations (book reissues) | €5,825 | ||
Bank account | 11201€ | TO BE PAYED FOUNDATION / AUI | 120€ |
Investments | 9071€ | ||