© 2015 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
DURING the General Assembly held in Neylière in this beautiful month of June in the year of grace 2015, it was proposed and approved to reformulate the editorial charter of our newspaper le Lien. Let us recall that le Lien has been published quarterly since March 1996, the date of the creation of our association, in continuity with La Lettre previously published by the C.E.R.D.H. of which our association is an emanation (See Art. 1: Constitution of the statutes).
The Link is published in European A4 color format, distributed as a PDF file and sent by email except for the few people who do not have one. Subscribers who do not have a computer are requested to make themselves known to the secretary of the association
An editorial similar to the current one
An information section on the activities of our association as well as on international events from the AUI (Possible links to other newspapers).
Studies of topics relating to The Urantia Book sent by readers or archival documents of particular interest.
A dialogue in the form of questions from readers on a subject to study. We invite them to choose themes of general interest and send them to us.
The release dates do not change.
Authors are invited to submit their prose to the publisher one month before the publication date by email and as an attached file to the following address: georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
He will be responsible for sending it to the reading committee.
First of all, the text must be written and submitted without layout using a word processor such as Word™, Libre-Office or Open-Office or any other classic word processor and the images in Jpeg or Tiff format. The images will be inserted into the layout, as an illustration of the formatted article as far as possible and at the discretion of the editor.
Let us recall here that the AFLUB is an apolitical and non-denominational association of French-speaking readers of The Urantia Book. It respects all opinions but expresses none on these subjects and the articles appearing in the Link must follow this rule. In this same spirit of respect, the opinions expressed in the articles must not harm people or groups. The articles can:
Concerning references taken from the Urantia Book they must follow the internationally accepted rule: Booklet: Section. Paragraph framed by opening and closing parentheses ex: (UB 110:3.5) with two points after the number of the booklet, one point after the number of the section. Studies, articles or works relating to works or themes unrelated to the Urantia Book will not be accepted. However, in the context of a comparative study with ideas or concepts from the Urantia Book (For example a comparative study of the nature of God described in the Bible and in the Urantia Book) they will be accepted as long as they remain strictly within this framework.
Literary written language must be decent. Swear words are to be avoided except for quotes from authors or non-offensive humorous puns remaining within a framework of politeness. Typographic enrichment such as: fonts (two maximum for the same article), punctuation, bold, capital letters, colors, is accepted but in moderation so as not to visually saturate the rendering. Ultimately, it is up to the publisher to decide in the event of a dispute.
Article 3: Purpose of the association:
The association’s purpose is to promote the study of The Urantia Book; to present the teachings of The Urantia Book; to be of service to the readers of The Urantia Book
The editorial team hopes that many of you will contribute to the life of your Link because it was designed as a link between readers of The Urantia Book. The quality of the articles must arouse interest, provoke reflection and extend the understanding of the teachings of the readers of The Urantia Book. The exercise of writing on a subject is beneficial in that it contributes to a better mastery of conceptualization and expression. “What is well conceived is clearly stated and the words to say it come easily” said the legislator of Parnassus. We therefore invite readers to share their thoughts with us.
Sharing insights enriches the spiritual life of each individual while contributing to that of the readership. It depends entirely on your sincere desire to share these exceptional teachings.
The Lien team wishes you profitable moments of reading and reflection.
The editorial staff