© 2012 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The simple art of blessing
To bless means to recognize the infinite good that is an integral part of the very fabric of the universe - It is only waiting for a sign from us to manifest itself.
To bless means to unconditionally desire and will the unlimited good for others and the events of life—drawing from the deepest and most intimate sources of our being. It means to revere and regard with total wonder that which is always a gift from the Creator—and this, regardless of appearances.
To bless means to invoke divine protection upon, to think with deep gratitude about, and to speak with gratitude of someone or something.
To bless means to call down happiness upon someone—although we are never the source of the blessing, but simply the joyful witness to life’s abundance.
To bless means to recognize an omnipresent beauty hidden from material eyes - It is to activate the universal law of attraction which will bring into our life exactly what we need in the present moment to grow, progress and fill the cup of our joy.
It is impossible to bless and judge. So let us maintain within ourselves this desire to bless as an incessant interior resonance and as a perpetual silent prayer.
When we wake up, let us bless our day, for it is already overflowing with an abundance of good that your blessings will bring forth.
Let us bless all the people we meet, in every conceivable way, that is, in their health, their work, their joy, their relationship with God, with themselves, and with others. The peace of our blessing will be the companion of their journey, and the aura of its discreet perfume, a light on their path. Moreover, flowers of joy will spring up in the arid spaces of our own lives.
On the way, let us bless our village, our city, its inhabitants, those who govern it, its medical and teaching staff, its clergy and all its marginalized people.
Let us respond to the offense with a silent blessing: let us bless our aggressor totally, sincerely, joyfully because such a blessing is a shield which protects him from the ignorance of his misdeeds, and deflects the arrow which is addressed to us.
Faced with an unexpected and overwhelming event, let us burst into blessings, because life is teaching us a lesson. Even if it seems undesirable, we have in fact brought it about in order to learn the lesson that would escape us if we hesitated to bless it - Trials are hidden blessings followed by angelic cohorts.
In front of a prison, let us bless its occupants in their innocence and their freedom, their goodness, the purity of their essence and their unconditional forgiveness. Because one can only be a prisoner of the image and the fear that one has of oneself, and a free man can walk without chains in the courtyard of a prison.
Standing before a hospital, let us bless its patients in the fullness of their health, for even in their suffering and illness, this fullness is simply waiting to be discovered.
Before a person in tears or apparently broken by life, let us bless him in his vitality and joy: for the material senses present only the inverse of the ultimate splendor and perfection that only the inner eye can perceive.
Above all, let us not forget to bless this wonderful person, totally beautiful in her true nature, and so worthy of love that we are.
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