© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
May the sweetness of friendship be made of laughter and shared pleasures.
If you don’t understand your friend in all circumstances, you will never understand him.
Do not think that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
We are like nuts, We must be cracked to be discovered.
Loneliness is a storm of silence that tears away all our dead branches.
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s call to itself.
Trust dreams because in them is hidden the door to eternity.
The musician can sing for you the melody that is in every space. But he could not give you the ear that grasps the rhythm, nor the voice that echoes it.
When you pray, you rise to meet in the air those who are praying at that same hour, and whom, except in prayer, you could not meet.
It is in the dew of little things that the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
The earth is my homeland and humanity, my family.
Pity the nation where the wise are rendered mute by age, while the vigorous men are still in the cradle.
If love crowns you, it also crucifies you.
Just as the value of life is not in its surface but in its depths, the things seen are not in their shell but in their core, and men are not in their face but in their heart.
Remember that the earth rejoices to feel your bare feet and the winds would gladly play with your hair.
No one can reach dawn without passing through the path of night.
In every man reside two beings: one awake in the darkness, the other asleep in the light.
Every man loves two women: one is a creation of his imagination, the other is not yet born.
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Your friend is the answer to your desires.
Khalil Gibran